Stepan Dokoupil is a professional architect and aircraft designer with over 15 years of experience. When he is not flying reduced size models, he pilots Zlín 142, Cessna 172 and 152 or Tecnam JS92 aircrafts over Europe and North America. He is so fond of flying that years ago he bought ...
however, that there is averynoticeable difference between flying an Airbus A320 (commercial airliner), an Aviat Pitts Special S2S (stunt plane), and a Cessna 152 (trainer). You can really feel the weight of the craft
Stepan Dokoupil is a professional architect and aircraft designer with over 15 years of experience. When he is not flying reduced size models, he pilots Zlín 142, Cessna 172 and 152 or Tecnam JS92 aircrafts over Europe and North America. He is so fond of flying that years ago he bought ...
Carmel J Attard joins us from Malta with his 1/72 Pavla Cessna L-19 (0-1) Bird Dog. This is the Airfix kit with added resin detail items from Pavla and in the skilled hand of a modeller like Carmel, this kit builds into a great looking model of this iconic aircraft. Carmel tells...
we had flown the motor glider as well as the slow Cessna 152 and also the Mooney. Now with the Mooney 20J you always had to plan ahead, because she was faster and needed planning and a little time to get her to slow down compared to the other airplanes we were use to. We could ma...