步驟5:匯出圖片或360度環景照片。 步驟6:也可以參考其他使用者建立的室內空間範本,並利用2D或3D模式檢視平面圖,彷彿就身在設計的空間中,栩栩如生。 延伸閱讀
The largest online retailer of U.S.-manufactured and assembled cabinets has selected HomeByMe to disrupt the kitchen market with a business model that transforms how consumers shop for their kitchen. With HomeByMe, consumers can design their dream kitchens online without having to visit a physical...
homebyme软件本身是无法设置中文的,因为系统不带中文语言。 可以使用手机屏幕翻译器,实时进行翻译,就是中文语言了。 或者等待后续更新新版本,支持中文语言。 homebyme介绍 随身携带HomeByMe项目!寻找灵感,以3D形式布置和装饰您的家,并将您的项目带到任何地方!为您的新装饰寻找灵感,你不是一个人!从我们社区为您的...
These 3D experiences are available to two types of audiences: HomeByMe for ConsumersConsumers, craftsmen, interior designers, who directly access HomeByMe for free or through on-line subscriptionsStart using HomeByMe FOR FREE HomeByMe for EnterprisesCompanies - furniture, kitchen, DIY retailers, br...
Transform the way you sell furniture with a 3D home design software that increases consumer satisfaction and boosts online revenue
Transform the way you sell furniture with a 3D home design software that increases consumer satisfaction and boosts online revenue
Create your home design Dassault Systemes SE Free Screenshots iPhone iPad Description Create your 3D plans easily and free of charge with the HomeByMe application. Ideal for designing the layout of an apartment or house, you can furnish your interior with real brands, create a 2D and 3D plan...
A guide to the best room design apps for a renovating your home. Browse our pick of free interior design apps to try now.
Roomstyler is a free house design software that works via any up-to-date web browser. You can even try it before creating an account. 7. Cedreo Cedreois an online 3D home design platform for professional home builders, remodelers and interior designers. In just two hours, you can create ...
HomeByMe is a fully featured 3D interior design tool. With a large community, partnerships with the most famous brands and a powerful design software, HomeByMe is the ultimate home design 3D application for deco lovers. Benefit from a brand catalog of over 30,000 products and a powerful 3D...