0.下载相关文件 先按github上的文件目录格式把对应文件拷贝到HomeAssistant的custom_components目录, 想用hacs商店的同学需要晚一点(HACS商店的配置预计会在12月底左右上线,9月就提交了,审批进度贼慢,在hacs商店里搜索haweather后安装后进行yaml配置编写) 正确下载文件后的文件目录格式: custom_components/ --heweather -...
1打开一个新终端,进入 /opt/homeassistant 目录 2使用命令:wget -O - https://ghproxy.com/raw.githubusercontent.com/hasscc/get/main/get | HUB_DOMAIN=ghproxy.com/github.com DOMAIN=hacs REPO_PATH=hacs-china/integration ARCHIVE_TAG=china bash - 获取 HACS 的安装包 3重启 HomeAssistant 4登录 Hom...
Home Assistant will have automatically selected the correct entity for you, but you can use the drop-down menu to change the entity if needed. In my case, I gave my Met.no integration the name “Home,” and so
from homeassistant.exceptions import IntegrationError from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import DataUpdateCoordinator DOMAIN = 'tianqi' _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SUPPORTED_DOMAINS = ['weather'] USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_1) AppleWebKit/537 (KHT...
本吧热帖: 1-【HomeAssistant快速入门】基于树莓派安装HomeAssistant 2-【HomeAssistant快速入门】系统环境设置——树莓派基础设置 3-istore 安装时报错 4-这个 orvibo 的设备怎么操作,求大神指导。 5-ha加载项下载 6-HACS添加不了 7-鸿蒙系统的手机是不是不能用ha的手机端
『HomeAssistant』综合讨论区 今日: 97 |主题: 14628|排名: 1 版主: whxciotw, lidicn 论坛已新增支持B站视频。 论坛全站支持 Markdown 语法啦!鼓励发帖使用 Markdown,给大家更好的阅读体验!使用markdown需要在发贴里,在纯文本模式下,手动添加【md】【/md】标签(【】替换成[])。1234...
@home-assistant reopenReopen the issue. @home-assistant unassign weatherflow_cloudRemoves the current integration label and assignees on the issue, add the integration domain after the command. @home-assistant add-label needs-more-informationAdd a label (needs-more-information, problem in dependency,...
- Repair Assistant prompts you to configure the genuine Apple parts replaced on your device after a repair (iPhone 12 and later) Some features may not be available for all regions or on all Apple devices. For more information, please visit this website: ...
Micae Brown is the Assistant Vice President, Business Access Advisor for U.S. Bank. As one of nine positions nationwide, Micae addresses the three most prominent gaps that limit business growth and employment opportunities within the Black Business Community: information, connections, and capital. ...
Assistant Division Manager Languages Literature and Fiction, Brooklyn Public Library 11.8.07 Carlos T Mock MD “Papi Chulo: a legend, a novel, and the Puerto Rican IdentityFloricanto Press 2007 230pgs paperbackISBN 9780979645709 The author has chosen to explore the history of Puerto Rico and ...