[业界动态] HomeAssistant语音唤醒硬件开箱演示,ESP32-S3-BOX-3B ...23 25989406 2024-7-3 274688 aning19951103 2025-2-18 16:30 [技术探讨] tplink的摄像头在ha里怎么检测到人拍照? ...2 bugensui 2025-2-17 12612 DDDear 2025-2-18 15:05 [基础教程] 博联BroadLink RM PRO RF CODE(射频码)...
[基础教程] 忘记虚拟机中安装的homeassistant用户名和密码怎么办呀 zpbupt 2022-6-29 53849 wuhuandy 2025-1-15 08:47 [基础教程] 网络唤醒linux【ubuntu】【wol】【wakeonlan】 ...23456..48 lidicn 2018-4-16 473171404 VunGamFI 2025-1-15 08:24 [插件集成] HA2024.5.3版中侧边栏无法配置URL nba...
looks like the dropdown values are translated but the actual selected value not. What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? 2025.01.0 What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core? 2024.12.x What type of installation are you running? Home Assistant OS Integration causing the...
http://homeassistant.local:8123Copy Alternatively, if that doesn’t work, you can also try going to the following URL. Sometimes strict network configuration can block these hostnames from working correctly. http://homeassistant:8123Copy The last option requires you to know your Raspberry Pi’...
:house_with_garden: Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. - Pulse · home-assistant/core
Since not all smart home gadgets are compatible with one another, it’s important to research and make a plan for your smart home. If you want Nest and know you also want a compatible smart assistant, then Google Home is a good option since the two work together. There are plenty of ...
For details about how to set up a stack, see Stack Assistant. Configure VLANs and interfaces on S5731-H-5. # Create Eth-Trunks and add them to corresponding VLANs. <S5731-H-5> system-view [S5731-H-5] vlan batch 2401 to 2402 2601 to 2605 [S5731-H-5] stp disable [S5731-H-...
If you setup a Home Assistant dashboard card for the room that you installed the FP2 in, you can view that on your phone while walking around the various zones and see nearly instantaneous clear/detect state. Pretty amazing. I also saw a comment on a Home Assistant forum that the HA dev...
For details about how to set up a stack, see Stack Assistant. Configure VLANs and interfaces on S5731-H-5. # Create Eth-Trunks and add them to corresponding VLANs. <S5731-H-5> system-view [S5731-H-5] vlan batch 2401 to 2402 2601 to 2605 [S57...
While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, this glossary is provided for reference purposes only and may contain errors or inaccuracies. It serves as a general resource for understanding commonly used terms and concepts. For precise information or assistance regarding our products, we recom...