step 3: add integration in home assistant with yeelight integration or Homekit controller integration Note The integration needs to communicate locally with the Yeelight wifi device. This setting Allow local communication can be disabled or enabled in Yeelight app. This setting should be enabled. Step...
输入默认账号密码登录docker管理页面 2 拉取home assistant镜像 3 部署homeassistant容器 按下图选择home assistant镜像进行部署 选择专业模式 给homeassistant容器命名一个名字,“开启Init"要关掉,然后下一步 homeassistant配置文件映射 网络选默认的bridge后下一步 直接点下一步 最后点“确定创建” 4 进入homeassistant前...
core-2024.10.2 What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core? core-2024.10.1 What type of installation are you running? Home Assistant OS Integration causing the issue TP-Link Smart Home Link to integration documentation on our website
For months, I've had problems with TP-Link devices, half or more of my 35+ devices cycling through a Failed Setup. Finally I deleted the integration and reinstalled in HA. The first pass only found and added 5 devices, then over the next few days found and added 4 additional ones. I...
于是自己买了TP-LINK的家庭监控摄像头; 京东 普联(TP-LINK)500万3K全彩智能摄像头家用无线监控器360度全景夜视手机远程语音通话宝宝宠物室内安防IPC45AW ¥209 去购买 因为目前在用的智能家居平台是homeassistant,所以第一时间把TP-LINK监控接入了homeassistant。
@惠生活homeassistant tplink 门锁 惠生活 关于Home Assistant与TP-LINK门锁的整合使用,以下是一些具体信息和建议: 一、兼容性 TP-LINK的部分智能门锁型号,如TL-SL31 Lite,是支持通过Home Assistant进行智能控制的。这意味着您可以在Home Assistant平台上添加并管理您的TP-LINK门锁,实现远程开锁、查看门锁状态等功能...
刚开始了解homeassistant,只是单纯因为家里同时有天猫精灵和小爱同学,我想让两边设备都能互相使用。 网上搜了很多教程,找到了一个相对来说成本比较低的方案,就是win系统搭载虚拟机,然后。。。失败了,跟着教程走也终究进不去。 后来海鲜市场淘了一个树莓派,系统一烧录,一下就进去了,小小激动了一把,结果连接天猫精灵...
{{ ... }}:这是 Home Assistant 模板中用来输出表达式结果的标记。 states("sensor.tp_link_smb_tl_r488gpm_ac_download_speed"):这是一个函数调用,用来获取实体sensor.tp_link_smb_tl_r488gpm_ac_download_speed的状态值。这通常是一个数字,表示当前的下载速度。