面板就不放配置项了,不常用的功能。步骤: 1、正常运行一次任务,重启保存配置文件 2、{[HA配置目录]}/.storage/common_timer_tasks,在tasks:{}里面修改对应的entity_id的ratio值即可 3、再重启生效调试根据教程查看插件运行日志About 【插件】Home Assistant通用定时器 ljr.im/articles/plugin-home-assistant-...
使用前请先申请 [API](Cognitive Service Try experience | Microsoft Azure)。 tts: - platform: microsoft api_key: [YourAPIKey] language: zh-CN gender: male type: HuihuiRUS (Yaoyao, Apollo,Kangkang) 3. 倒计时(Timer):倒计时功能一直是大家想要的,特别是在『自动化』配置的使用中。 timer: timer...
## 倒计时通用面板homeassistant:customize:sensor.timer_setting:friendly_name:设置延迟时间icon:mdi:...
HomeAssistant 效果 参考配置 timer:hallway_light_autoclose_timer:duration:"00:01:00"input_boolean:hallway_light_auto_close:name:门厅灯自动关闭hallway_light_auto_turn_on:name:门厅灯自动打开input_number:hallway_light_turn_off_delay:name:玄关灯延时关闭(秒)mode:boxmin:1max:600step:1group:hallway_pan...
My Home Assistant installation runs on aGen7 i3 NUCwith Centos 7: Lots of Docker containers, some described below. SeeDocker Compose Frigatefor security camera recording and object detection Home Assistant Companion for iOS and Android device tracking ...
首先终端连接树莓派,使用vi编辑器编辑服务的配置文件,终端输入:sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/home-assistant@pi.service 回车 ,然后拷贝如下指令: [Unit] Description=Home Assistant After=network.target [Service] Type=simple User=%i ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/hass ...
1、安装Home Assistant(后面简称HA) 1.1、更改默认的Python版本 1.2、安装pip工具包 1.3、安装HA 1.3.1、安装HA提示“ffi.h”错误❌ 1.3.2、安装HA提示“openssl/opensslv.h”错误❌ 2、 启动Home Assistant 3、让Home Assistant加入服务管理并开机自启 ...
A specific characteristic of a service, like the brightness of a dimmable light or its color temperature. classHMMediaSourceDisplayOrderProfile An interface from which to read and, if allowed by the accessory, update the ordering of input sources. ...
Assign a name and room to each service associated with the device.HomeKit provides a default name and room for each service, one page per service, that the user can accept or change. Each item that the user names in step 4 appears in the Home app as an “accessory”. However, in Hom...