Transformer Book T101HA comes with Windows 10 pre-installed, along with Office Mobile and Cortana, your digital personal assistant. With Windows 10 Continuum mode, Windows detects automatically whether the keyboard is attached or not and adapts the interface to give you the perfect touch- or keybo...
至于同步到小爱同学音响控制,则比较简单,在hacs下载安装bemfa也即巴法云插件,完成以下步骤即可实将 Home Assistant 实体同步至巴法云,并使用小爱同学/天猫精灵/小度音箱控制: 注册巴法云账号,并获取密钥 在HACS中搜索 bemfa 安装, 重启Home Assistant 服务。 在Home Assistant 的集成页面,搜索 "bemfa" 并添加。 根据...
配置完成后,你的米家设备就成功对接到了Home Assistant中。此时,你可以在Home Assistant的主页上查看并管理所有已添加的米家设备。通过主页,你可以进行一些基本的操作,例如开关灯、调节温度、查看传感器数据等。此外,Home Assistant还支持创建自动化规则和场景,使得设备之间的联动变得更加智能化和个性化。 例如,你可以设置...
- Support voice control via Amazon Echo, Google Home, and Tmall Genie - Easily share devices among friends and family - Support timimg scenes, devices work automatically - Easy device networking configuration, quick installation and use Novità ...
Versione 3.0.1 * The canvas is updated to work with Home Assistant version 2024.10 * A bug is fixed where the 'Device controls' button did not work Privacy dell’app Lo sviluppatore,Febriq, ha indicato che le procedure per la tutela della privacy dell’app potrebbero includere il trattame...
5.安装home assistant我刷他就是为了测试他,需要24小时开机而且低功耗,openwrt我已经有了,啥nass咱都用不上。 等休息休息再测试宝塔,openwrt,然后就额可以让他去仓库躺着了,话说这个盒子以后不会涨价吧, 纯针对浪潮IPBS9505s S905L-B避坑研究交流使用,绝无其它意图,测试分享本盒子及其它版本刷机情况,勿商用及用...
The consideration of thesmart homeas an interlocutor for interaction with humans supporting a wide range of alternatives including conversational features, shaped as a multimodal assistant, requires the availability of several important resources, the most prominent being: (1) access to data and informat...
Multiple Control Ways: There Is More Than One Way To Control Lumary Smart Led Recessed Lights Including Lumary App, Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, And Remote Controller (Sold Separately, Please Search "Lumary Bt Remote Control"), Which Can Easy To Achieve Long-Distance Remote Control (Note: Ou...
Homeassistant这套系统最大的优越性就在于打通了原生支持Apple Homekit或其他独立家居系统的界限,能做到一个集成系统控制所有智能家居设备,并且在所有终端上都能操作(PC,MACOS,ANDRIOD,IOS)。我们知道Homekit设备价格相对较高,但是相对应的米家、Amazon、Google的家具设备就比较平易近人。如果你是米黑,完全可以仅购买...
smartir: climate: - platform: smartir name: Office AC unique_id: office_ac device_code: 3000 controller_data: home-assistant/office-ac/command temperature_sensor: sensor.temperature humidity_sensor: sensor.humidity power_sensor: binary_sensor.ac_power power_sensor_restore_state: true Example (usi...