Integrated into Home Assistant via It provides access to lots of data from the heatpump. Also controlling it would be possible, but I don't have the need to adapt anything regularly. Zehnder Q350 A automated ventilation system that provides ...
:house_with_garden: Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. - Issues · home-assistant/core
我们参考了elttam Pty Ltd安全研究团队在其博客上发表的优秀研究成果,题为“Pwnassistant: 通过Home Assistant远程代码执行(RCE)控制家庭”。这篇博文对Home Assistant的架构、攻击面以及发现的漏洞进行了详尽的解释,这极大地帮助了我们的团队快速理解Home Assistant的设计方式,并确定了审计的重点。我们当时并不知道Cure53...
设置允许浏览共享文件夹的用户:synoshare --setuser sharename user_auth{NA|RO|RW} operator{+|-|=...
Using Home Assistant, you can track the state of all the devices in your home. You can even set up an automation to interact with them. For example, you can set it so that the Home Assistant will automatically turn on all your lights when it gets dark and while you’re at home. You...
node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket节点event:state和event:all应该是以WebSocket API的方式监听...
SyncStateContract.Constants 同步狀態合約.常數.介面常數 SyncStateContract.Helpers SyncStateContract.IColumns 電話 Telephony.BaseMmsColumns 電話系統。標準地址欄位 Telephony.CarrierId Telephony.CarrierId.InterfaceConsts 電信運營商 Telephony.Carriers.InterfaceConsts Telephony.IBaseMmsColumns Telephony.ICanonicalAddress...
使用的硬件是ESP32-C3mini和dht11温湿度传感器之前MQTT和Home Assistant都安装好了,万事俱备只差部署。要在Home A
I'm working on an app that uses HomeKit-enabled accessories such as wall plugs to control a photographic enlarger in a darkroom. This requires precise timing when toggling the power state of the plug. For example, the timer in my app might be set to 5 seconds, so I turn on the plug...
- topic: "home-assistant/window/availability" payload_available: "online" payload_not_available: "offline" qos: 0 device_class: opening value_template: "{{ value_json.state }}" 重启HA后会在面板看到这个东西 然后在emqx看到HA已经订阅了这几个topic ...