Home Assistant 采用组(Group)的概念来组合设备,玄关、客厅等,每个都是一个组(Group),你可以根据自身需求,任意设置不同的“组”,同一设备可加入多个“组”,甚至“组”也能嵌套“组”。 ▲设备分组 设备分组 继续图中房间分类为例,要实现这样的效果,需要在configuration.yaml文件中,添加group:,示例如下: homeassi...
手动调用1:打开左下角 Service 面板,由上之下依次选择frontend-set_theme,之后填入{"name":"主题名称"},最后点击call_service。 Services Panel PS:在这里,我们也可以进行 Home Assistant 的重启。 手动调用2(仅限 0.51.2 及以上版本 HA):打开左侧面板 — 选择Configuration — 右侧点击configuration.yaml按钮 - ...
手动调用1:打开左下角 Service 面板,由上之下依次选择frontend-set_theme,之后填入{"name":"主题名称"},最后点击call_service。 Services Panel PS:在这里,我们也可以进行 Home Assistant 的重启。 手动调用2(仅限 0.51.2 及以上版本 HA):打开左侧面板 — 选择Configuration — 右侧点击configuration.yaml按钮 - ...
homeassistant:name:Homeunit_system:metric# 示例customize:# 注意缩进 customize 属于 homeassistant 下级,与 name 同级sensor.living_room_motion:# 设备 IDfriendly_name:客厅动作传感器# 昵称 即你想要的设备名icon:mdi:run# 图标 即设备左侧显示,详情见下方引用hidden:true# 是否在 Home Assistant 中隐藏homebridg...
A minimalist and user-friendly design, combined with an mobile first approach for the Home Assistant dashboard. theme weather ui-design dashboard frontend personal-project home-assistant mobile-first user-friendly home-assistant-config lovelace home-assistant-frontend home-assistant-custom home-assistant...
homeassistant -> customize 可以任意加属性,才发现,不知道之前可以不 switch.touying:friendly_name:投影...
Home Assistant Home Assistant is used as a Visualization and Automation Tool. https://www.home-assistant.io/ Also using HACS to install and maintain additional integrations, components and themes. | HACS |https://github.com/hacs/integration | General Setup Please mind that I adapt (play around...
Now let's change the default theme using HACS! Out-of-the-box, Home Assistant will only come with a single Dark-mode theme. However, if you want to customize this, you need to follow the steps below Step 1.Before installing a custom theme, we need to add some codes intoconfiguration....
最近少数派掀起了一阵树莓派热潮,但是由于 Homebridge 插件的局限性,使其对智能家居设备的支持广度和深度不足。为了摆脱这一束缚,我们可以利用另一个强大的智能家居平台:Home Assistant。