基于ESPresence的homeassistant dashboard 上一篇中,用esp32制作了ESPresence,实现了room assistant,除了可以判断出是否离开或者进入某个房间,还有个非常有意思是的玩法,就是打造私人homeassistant ui。 有没有一种感觉,不管怎么折腾适合自己的ui界面,在打开app的时候,都不一定能准确的找到需要控制的设备?要么需要自己记...
-接入 Apple HomeKit:通过安装 HomeKit 插件,将 Home Assistant 中的设备添加到苹果家庭 App 中,实现通过 Siri 语音控制或苹果手机家庭 App 远程控制家中的智能设备。 -与其他智能家居平台联动:Home Assistant 支持与众多智能家居平台进行联动,如 Google Home、Amazon Alexa 等,可以将不同平台的设备整合到一个系统中...
Dashboard is now broken This happened to on instance of Home Assistant I had so I killed that Virtual Machine and started again from scratch. I believe that the culprit was the BAF integration as the dashboard worked before I added that integration and was broken after I did (though I was...
6. Click "OPEN WEB UI" to open the ESPHome dashboard. You will be asked for your Home Assistant credentials - ESPHome uses Home Assistant's authentication system to log you in. You can view the ESPHome docs here: https://esphome.io/ You can view the ESPHome documentation at https://es...
新版本将其与Home Assistant进行了更深入的集成。 您现在可以将#Home-Dashboard注册为移动应用程序,并允许向您的设备发送通知。 无需其他自定义组件。 要启用此功能,请按照以下3个简单步骤操作 https://github.com/tuanha2000vn/Home-Assistant-Dashboard/blob/master/push_notification.md 自动化 Home-Dashboard使...
6. You have now successfully finished the initial setup of the Home Assistant software on your Raspberry Pi. You will now see the default Home Assistant dashboard, the more integrations you add, the more information you will see on your dashboard. Adding Additional Integrations to Home Assistant...
https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/history/ https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/recorder/ 与历史相关的文件: homeassistant/components/filter # 在dashboard中显示历史曲线的上层逻辑。(可以通过line-chart 等关键词定位到这个文件)
2、搭载homeassistant、jupyter notebook、mosquitto、samba及HAdashboard等常用软件,并设置自启动,预装各个软件所有依赖包,省去繁琐的环境搭建过程,入手即用; 3、集成小米及苹果设备扫描工具,便捷获取同一局域网内小米及苹果设备的ip、token等信息; 4、HomeAssistant中预设tunnel2local工具,可以直接外网访问; ...