显示内容:标题(Title)、图标(Icon)、徽章(Badges)、卡片(Cards)、 属性:网址(Path)、主题(Theme)、面板模式(Panel Mode)、哪些用户可见 顶部圆形图标为徽章,可以在定义视图的时候添加,用来快捷显示一些状态和信息。 三、过滤型徽章(FILTER BADGE) 有时候希望视图上面一排徽章显示一些需要关注的事情,比如当一盏灯打开...
1、找到HomeAssistant右下角配置-仪表盘-添加仪表盘-标题名字随意(我填了home) 2、找到新建好的标题,在左边侧栏这,点击点右上角三个点-编辑仪表盘-点亮从空白仪表盘开始-自行编辑-再点三个点原始配置编辑器-进入编辑配置 三个点!!三个点在这~ 复制下面代码: 我上面会有注解,方便理解。 kiosk_mode: hide_h...
Home Panel
3、Home Assistant 安装和基础设置:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1UV411273h?p=4 4、NAS和路由器接入Home Assistant:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1UV411273h?p=5 5、Home Assistant的UI设计的基础讲解https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1UV411273h?p=6 ...
Home Assistant custom component for control Xiaomi Multimode Gateway (aka Gateway 3), Xiaomi Multimode Gateway 2, Aqara Hub E1 on default firmwares over LAN - AlexxIT/XiaomiGateway3
Home Assistant 是一个运行在 Python 3 上的开源家庭自动化平台。监控家里的所有设备并实现自动化控制。采用开源项目Home Assistant,支持x86_64、armv8的...
Normally, at this point in Home Assistant, the status of the device will also change from offline to online.Configure Home Assistant Panel Step 6. Connect to XIAO ESP32C3 If you do not have many Home Assistant devices on your LAN, Home Assistant can automatically search for and add...
Homekit style Home Assistant card This card is best used with panel: true so the card fills up the whole page. The purpose of this card is to fill a page with tiles in homekit style. You can add entities and define multiple rows with your own title to create your homekit style page...