HACS(Home Assistant Community Store)即Home Assistant官方的插件商店,提供各种设备集成、前端装饰等的下载,是Home Assistant必备的插件。 1)安装HACS可以通过Releases · hacs/integration下载离线包,解压后将hacs文件夹通过FTP软件拷贝至/usr/share/Hassio/homeassistant/custom_components(没有此路径的话新建一个)。 2)...
Cezanne Digital Assistant ChallengeRunner check.it - 共用檢查清單 檢查清單即服務 Chime V5 Chronus CI-Out-of-Office Lite CI-Out-Out-Office Manager CI-Xt-365 Cisco Call Cisco Webex 會議 Clari 類別 分類清單 CLASSUM Clerk SMS ClickUp ClipTraining Clixie AI Clobba ClockIt 雲端索引 CloudCan GPT Cl...
What version of Home Assistant Operating System is installed? 11.2 Did you upgrade the Operating System. Yes Steps to reproduce the issue Update to version 11.2 Reboot Anything in the Supervisor logs that might be useful for us? N/A Anything in the Host logs that might be useful for us?
Describe the issue you are experiencing I took the plunge today. Took a FULL Backup of HA OS (on ThinClient T620) and installed the 13.1 upgrade to the OS. As soon as it came back up, again the WiFi adapter is not seen. I was running 12...
香橙派OrangePi Zero 装HomeAssistant (一) ,登录后根据系统提示,输入root的1234原密码回车,输入新密码 确认新密码,更改设置用户名密码后会重启,进入系统至此,香橙派已经装上系统了,下一步我们就要给它装软件。...经过将近一天时间的摸索(在各位大神技术分享贴中摸爬滚打),终于将我的OrangePiZero安装上了HA,哈哈...
Mitel Assistant MOBITEACH moconavi Contacts MODA ModuleQ MOFFI Moka ATS 蒙地卡羅數據 卡羅吉 MootUp Motionlab 使用Jira 推展工作進度 MssgPort 多重核准程式 LTAP MultiShare 壁畫 我的AskAI 我的技術服務人員 My Reminders MyCheckins MyCompliance MyConnect Myfone MyHub MyHub for AOS-UG 適用於 AOS-US...
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energy storage, HVAC, lighting) and home appliances (RGB lighting, smart kitchen, EV charger, entertainment system) either via determined schedules, dynamic algorithms enhanced by ML as well as with direct user command with a bespoke mobile apps or vocal commands to the Cortana Virtual Assistant....