当然别人魔改的作品不在此文讨论内,这里讲一下在接入 Home Assistant 原生的天气平台 weather 下 (推荐雅虎 yweather),如何使用这套 UI。 首先,在 /www/custom_ui/ 文件夹下创建名为 custom-weather-card.html 的文件,没有相关文件夹请自行新建,文件内容为:(部分值已由我人工汉化过了) 代码示例 <dom-module...
当然别人魔改的作品不在此文讨论内,这里讲一下在接入 Home Assistant 原生的天气平台 weather 下 (推荐雅虎 yweather),如何使用这套 UI。 首先,在 /www/custom_ui/ 文件夹下创建名为 custom-weather-card.html 的文件,没有相关文件夹请自行新建,文件内容为:(部分值已由我人工汉化过了) 代码示例 <dom-module...
添加节点node-red-node-pingnode-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocketnode-red-contrib-mqtt-bridge 3....
call_service domain, service, options, call Home Assistant service promise Configuration example for the target_humidity: type: custom:mini-humidifier entity: fan.xiaomi_miio_device target_humidity: state: attribute: target_humidity mapper: (current_value, entity, humidifier_entity) => current_value...
Checklist I have updated to the latest available Home Assistant version. I have cleared the cache of my browser. I have tried a different browser to see if it is related to my browser. Describe the issue you are experiencing clicking eit...
Material Design Icons for Home Assistant <span class="version">v2.O.46</span> </h1> <h2>Icons <small>(click icon/name to copy Home Assistant mdi: name to clipboard)</small></h2> <div class="icons" id="icons"></div> <footer>Based on the MDI webfont preview downloaded fr...
The home of football across the globe, FIFA bring you the very latest tournament news, player exclusives and live match content all in one place.
Gets the assistant that will be used to configure the shortcut bar. (Inherited from UIResponder) InputView Custom view to display when the object becomes the first responder. Read-only. (Inherited from UIResponder) InputViewController Gets the custom UIInputViewController to display when th...
Setting your Home screen wallpaper Choose from the available wallpapers, or use any photo you've taken with the camera. Important:You can only change the wallpaper while inClassichome screen layout. From theHome
When you're on a trip abroad, it's easy to dial friends and family from home. Your home country code is automatically added when you call your contacts while roaming. But when manually entering a phone number to call, you need to enter a plus (+) sign and country code before the num...