After rebooting the device it become available (in homeassistant) for round about a minute. After that the connection is lost and the default reboot after 15 minutes without a connection happend, the device comes up again for a short time. image The network connection is still there and I a...
前言一、导入虚拟机二、安装HomeAssistant服务三、安装HACS商店四、将米家接入Home Assistant五、将米家接入苹果Home kit(可选)一、导入虚拟机 1.前往官网下载虚拟机镜像,本文以Windows NAS VMware为例所以选择下载.ova格式,使用群晖Vitual Machine Manager虚拟机安装的话也可以选ova格式,操作大同小异,之前旁路由...
8.账号上绑定的所有米家设备都被同步到Home Assistant上了,并且保留了这些设备所在的房间并且进行归类,之前你对智能设备重新命名过的也会得以保留,没有命名的大多都以英文名显示,可以自行修改: 9.之后建议在路由器里把Home Assistant的IP用MAC绑定固定起来避免变动,可以一直使用浏览器登录,也可以在电脑、手机平板上下载...
8.账号上绑定的所有米家设备都被同步到Home Assistant上了,并且保留了这些设备所在的房间并且进行归类,之前你对智能设备重新命名过的也会得以保留,没有命名的大多都以英文名显示,可以自行修改: 9.之后建议在路由器里把Home Assistant的IP用MAC绑定固定起来避免变动,可以一直使用浏览器登录,也可以在电脑、手机平板上下载...
8.账号上绑定的所有米家设备都被同步到Home Assistant上了,并且保留了这些设备所在的房间并且进行归类,之前你对智能设备重新命名过的也会得以保留,没有命名的大多都以英文名显示,可以自行修改: 9.之后建议在路由器里把Home Assistant的IP用MAC绑定固定起来避免变动,可以一直使用浏览器登录,也可以在电脑、手机平板上下载...
Home Assistant release with the issue: 0.108.8 Operating environment (HassOS/Generic): hassio Supervisor logs: Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved 12:16:00 – helpers/ (ERROR) - il messaggio si è verificato per ...
15:57:49.342 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [...
最近,萌新楼主拜读了囧帅大大@Jone的神贴:梅林路由器CPU和无线芯片温度接入Home Assistant之后,有所启发...
.Rdlc Report in MVC project - Managed Debugging Assistant 'PInvokeStackImbalance' 'htmlAttributes' parameter of Html.TextBoxFor() 'Input string was not in a correct format' when linking a view 'object' does not contain a definition for 'id' 'System.Array' does not contain a definition for...
Assistant 4.0.2 Add-on for TBSM 4.2 Impact Data Server is going down with decryption errors in impactserver.log java.lang.NullPointerException in messages.log launchpad install fails for root user LDAP User setup for TBSM Log in error seen after a user is logged out due to inactivity Need...