而这个服务并不依赖于某个互联网服务商,你只需要在自家的PC/NAS/软路由/树莓派等等设备上安装homeassistant服务,并调试接入所有你家的智能设备,那么你就可以基于homeassistant的兼容性,实现所有设备单个app展示、垮品牌设备实现自动化编程控制、个性化的界面设计等等服务。 第一步是部署homeassistant服务,这个不是我这篇...
home-automationhome-assistantsunhomeassistant-sensorhomeassistant-custom-component UpdatedNov 26, 2024 Python pnbruckner/ha-illuminance Star171 Home Assistant Illuminance Sensor home-automationhome-assistantilluminancehomeassistant-sensorhomeassistant-custom-component ...
如:homeassistant/binary_sensor/garden/config 这里设备是binary sensor 名称是garden 然后在topic参数里填写json格式 {"name": "garden", "device_class": "motion", "state_topic": "homeassistant/binary_sensor/garden/state"} 这表示设备名为garden的motion类型的binary sensor 读取topic为“homeassistant/binary...
Garage Temp Sensor & Display Via ESP Home and Home Assistant this little device collects and displays data in the garage (which is a detached building, but has Wifi coverage). ESPHome code: https://github.com/moe01324/home_automation/blob/master/esp/garage-esphome Case for 3d printing: https...
HA插件更新机制分析起因是在hachina.io发布的和风天气组件在更新到0.65.6版本,群友会发现数据不能自动更新,但是在每次重启的时候会拉去数据,所以我们对HomeAssistantSensor ...
在homeassistant中配置个性化图表上手指南 在homeassistant中,自带的图标效果并非所爱。我们可以通过安装第三方卡片的形式展现图表。 自带的图表样式 接下来,我们在HACS中搜索并安装apexcharts-card插件。 安装完成后,添加对应卡片。 添加完成后。编辑相应的代码。
分析起因是在hachina.io发布的和风天气组件在更新到0.65.6版本,群友会发现数据不能自动更新,但是在每次重启的时候会拉去数据,所以我们对HomeAssistant Sensor数据变更机制进行了挖掘 方式1 以和风天气为实例 计时方式:TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(seconds=1800) ...
If you want to continue to use your Raspberry Pi for other functions instead of just Home Assistant, you can always use the Docker container. However, there are some drawbacks of using Docker to run Home Assistant. Setup a Raspberry Pi MYSQL Database Using the DHT11 Sensor on the Raspberry...
Home Assistant / ESPHome Air Quality Monitor (No Soldering) ,,RISC-V, I’ve previously covered creating a Home Assistant air quality monitor system using a XAIO ESP32-C3 module and ESPHome / Home Assistant to create a 7-in-1 air quality monitor sensor. My previous article though did requir...
sensor or door sensor to detect activity, triggering a notification to be sent to your phone or tablet via the "notify.mobile_app_your_device_name" action. To customize, simply replace "your_device_name" with the actual name of your device, as it appears in your Home Assistant ...