Home Assistant config files, rewritten to use the latest features, 100+ documented automations, automatically generated ToC 🏠 🤖 Topics config yaml home-automation iot automation philips-hue internet-of-things home-assistant home-assistant-config appdaemon lovelace lovelace-ui Resources Readme Li...
wget https://github.com/al-one/hass-xiaomi-miot/releases/download/v0.7.1/xiaomi_miot.zip 2.2 将 ./custom_components/xiaomi_miot 文件夹复制到 /config/custom_components 目录下 Download and copy custom_components/xiaomi_miot folder to custom_components folder in your HomeAssistant config folder oth...
找台局域网内的电脑,打开浏览器输入:homeassistant.local:8123或者IP:8123; 即可看到新鲜的 HAOS,登录; 不管是官方还是网络上,都有大把的安装教程:https://www.home-assistant.io/installation,我就不细说了。 名词解释 安装系统是很简单的,使用起来还是很麻烦的,首先要理解系统里和各种教程里的一些名词,虽然我列...
-v /volume1/homeassistant:/config: 把共享文件夹映射到容器中的/config路径,这样Home Assistant的数据可以持久化保存。 5. 启动Home Assistant 在设置完毕后,启动Home Assistant容器,运行如下命令(进入Docker应用的“容器”部分,找到你刚创建的容器并启动): ...
docker run -d --name=home_assistant \ -e TZ=Europe/Bucharest \ -v /volume1/docker/homeassistant:/config \ --net=host \ --restart always \ homeassistant/home-assistant (in the -TZ= line, you should enter your time zone.) After that, confirm your settings with a click on theOKbutto...
HomeAssistant中推荐安装的几个加载项 1.Terminal & SSH 这是一款网页终端的插件,登录到HomeAssistant后点击插件即可进入控制台,在控制台中我们可以做许多事情,如:安装HACS、添加/删除/修改文件、以及使用git命令安装各种扩展内容 下面我列举一下常用命令: cp //复制文件...
synoshare --enc_mount <sharefolder> <password> 卸载加密文件夹:synoshare --enc_unmount <share...
As of Home Assistant 2023.6, it now supports native NAS (SMB/NFS) backups. This is a great compliment to the Google Drive backups. Thankfully, this feature doesn’t really change the restore process that much and even can make it easier. This post covers Google Drive only backups, and...
forked from大牛/Home-Assistant-DIY 确定同步? 同步操作将从大牛/Home-Assistant-DIY强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!! 确定后同步将在后台操作,完成时将刷新页面,请耐心等待。 删除在远程仓库中不存在的分支和标签
Home Assistant config files, rewritten to use the latest features, 100+ documented automations, automatically generated ToC :house: :robot: - GitHub - basnijholt/home-assistant-config: Home Assistant config files, rewritten to use the latest features, 10