在Chrome 中安装并固定该扩展程序,使其始终可见打开扩展选项(右键单击图标 > 配置),然后: - 设置浏览器中显示的视图 URL,例如 https://my-home-assistant.com/lovelace/extension - 调整宽度和高度,使一切看起来都不错- 您可以选择裁剪视图的上半部分以隐藏页眉。默认情况下,标题大小为 56 像素 评分: 4.8星(...
它的工作原理是检测您是否在任何 Chrome 选项卡中打开了任何活动会议,然后相应地在 Home Assistant 中切换输入布尔值,您可以使用它来创建自动化。有关其他设置说明,请参阅 https://github.com/colinodell/google-meet-hass-extension#configuration。 评分: 0星(共5星),共无评分位用户参与评分 使用人数: 130+ ...
Home Assistant Extension for Chrome and Firefox Unofficial extension to quickly access your Home Assistant dashboard from everywhere Setup Open your configuration.yaml file and add the following lines, then restart Home Assistant. http: use_x_frame_options: false In your Lovelace dashboard, create...
The Google Home extension consists of four main features, one of which is a Google Assistant simulator. With this, developers can ensure full Assistant compatibility without ever having to leave their coding environment. When activated, typing commands that mimic your proposed voice controls to contro...
12 月 16 日小米官方在亲自下场,在 Ghub 发布了官方的 Home Assistant(后面简称 HA)米家集成项目。也就是说小米开源了智能家居平台(HA 的官方插件),Home Assistant 作为一款开源软件的同时,目前也算是智能家居的终极解决方案,它可以聚合各个品牌的智能设备,进行定制化管理。
MAC用户建议使用Chrome浏览器。。。否则可能会卡授权。授权完毕后,会进入一个错误界面,我们把homeassistant.local替换成正确的即可(设备的IP)。 接下来继续设置,关于控制模式: 自动:如果已具备中枢网关,会自动使用; 云端:完全依赖小米云 显示配置成功。 在设备中点击具体设备,我发现了确实🐮🍺:小米的智能多模网关...
pdd上面N1现在价格不错,可以入手。带系统更省事。广告 n1盒子 n1网心云 n1小钢炮 armbain docker ...
The problem I am trying to use Alexa via the Smart Home skill as described here: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/alexa.smart_home/ I just followed the instructions today, I haven't tried it before. After trying to add the skil...
绿城快递驿站信息添加到Home Assistant 我们小区使用的是绿城提供的驿站服务,虽然有一个公众号可以推送和查询快递信息,但没有菜鸟驿站那么方便特别是亲情号码这块,我家所有人买东西都只留同一个人的号码,这样取件时不会落下每个人的快递,但每天去拿快递不是同一个人,所以才有把快递信息放到Home Assistant中的想法,...
To play YouTube Music on Google Home using Assistant commands, follow these steps:Step 1 Set up your Google Home device: Ensure that your Google Home device is properly set up and connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your smartphone or tablet....