Pushing "reset" resets the network & the border router (but that's obviously not a good solution). The border router stays accessible all this time. What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? core-2024.2.0 What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core? No response What...
Home Assistant Yellow hub At the heart of Home Assistant Yellow is the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4. Home Assistant Yellow includes the latest and greatest Zigbee radio chip fromSilicon Labsto communicate with smart devices in your home. The chip is forward-compatible with the upcomingMattersmart...
I unpaired a HomeKit Wemo Stage Controller from the Home app. Then I got attempted to pair to Home Assistant. After inputting the homekit pairing code, I got an error from home assistant. After that error, the device would not show up to be able to pair again in home assistant. What...
Home Assistant 采用组(Group)的概念来组合设备,玄关、客厅等,每个都是一个组(Group),你可以根据自身需求,任意设置不同的“组”,同一设备可加入多个“组”,甚至“组”也能嵌套“组”。 ▲设备分组 设备分组 继续图中房间分类为例,要实现这样的效果,需要在configuration.yaml文件中,添加group:,示例如下: homeassi...
homeassistant -> customize 可以任意加属性,才发现,不知道之前可以不 switch.touying:friendly_name:投影...
首先打开homeassistant主页,在HACS--更多--custom repositories里添加自定义集成tuya-smart-life repository填入:https://github.com/tuya/tuya-smart-life/category选integration 添加成功后重启homeassistant,回到HACS页面,搜索并下载smartlife。 添加成功后重启homeassistant,并进入【配置】---【设备与服务】,点击右下角...
41 Posts Sort by: Posts sorted byOldest Post Replies Boosts Views Activity How to connect OpenThread Border Router to Matter Home? Does anyone know if this is even supported at the moment? I've tried pairing a sample light application based on Silicon Lab's EFR32 but it's unable to find...
How to connect OpenThread Border Router to Matter Home? Does anyone know if this is even supported at the moment? I've tried pairing a sample light application based on Silicon Lab's EFR32 but it's unable to find the OTBR on the network. [module](GitHub - SiliconLabs/matter: Matter ...
How to connect OpenThread Border Router to Matter Home? Does anyone know if this is even supported at the moment? I've tried pairing a sample light application based on Silicon Lab's EFR32 but it's unable to find the OTBR on the network. [module](GitHub - SiliconLabs/matter: Matter ...
. I have an iPhone 15 Pro which includes the thread hardware. I then tried to commission the same device in my own app using the MatterSupport framework. In this case the same user interface is displayed as when using the Home App but an error is displayed - "Thread Border Router ...