[UI界面] 记录南方电网集成UI界面使用(sensor和apexcharts-card卡片) ...23456..70 hunl1986 2023-7-3 69656525 jimdra 12 小时前 [UI界面] 【分享中~~~】国家电网数据、图表展示研究 ...23456..29 cjnt007 2024-6-29 28419044 jmkl1028 15 小时前 [UI界面] HA彩平图UI分享(停更-移步新帖) .....
Examples Simple graph Multiple Types of Graphs Aggregating data Compare data from today with yesterday Change the line thickness Use apexcharts-card with auto-entities Change the height of the graph Installation HACS (recommended) This card is available in HACS (Home Assistant Community Store). HACS...
Lovelace examples Period graphs Screenshots Code origin Installation Using HACS (recommended) Click on this button: or follow these steps: Simply search for Nexxtmove in HACS and install it easily. Restart Home Assistant Add the 'nexxtmove' integration via HA Settings > 'Devices and Services' >...
If you want to use multiple door/window sensors to automate your thermostat, just create a group with the usual behavior (https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/binary_sensor.group/) If you don't have a window/door sensor in your room, just leave the sensor entity id blank, Only one...
Customise with appropriate Home Assistant sensors for today's total solar generation and solar panel PV power output.type: custom:apexcharts-card header: title: Solar forecast show: true show_states: true colorize_states: true apex_config: chart: height: 300px tooltip: enabled: true shared: ...
『HomeAssistant』综合讨论区 今日: 178 |主题: 14864|排名: 1 版主: whxciotw, lidicn 论坛已新增支持B站视频。 论坛全站支持 Markdown 语法啦!鼓励发帖使用 Markdown,给大家更好的阅读体验!使用markdown需要在发贴里,在纯文本模式下,手动添加【md】【/md】标签(【】替换成[])。12345678910...
Home Assistant Core Modbus Integration Home Assistant Solarman Integration Once installed it should require miminal configuration. Other inverters/integrations can be added if required or can be controlled indirectly using automations. It has been tested primarily with Octopus tariffs but other tariffs can...
This is aNode-REDflow, written to run in Node-RED alongside Home Assistant. You will need: Node-RED, ideally running as aHome Assistant add-on The API callreferencesfor your own or chosen Agile tariff and pricing area TheWebSocket nodesinstalled and their HA server configuration working correctly...