在homeassistant中配置个性化图表上手指南 在homeassistant中,自带的图标效果并非所爱。我们可以通过安装第三方卡片的形式展现图表。 自带的图表样式 接下来,我们在HACS中搜索并安装apexcharts-card插件。 安装完成后,添加对应卡片。 添加完成后。编辑相应的代码。 几个核心参数: header:#配置标题 show:true#显示标题 tit...
1、mini-graph-card 2、Plotly Graph Card 3、apexcharts-card 4、card-mod(用来设置背景图片) 二、卡片代码 1、mini-graph-card 曲线图 type:custom:mini-graph-card entities:-entity:sensor.tasmota_sgp30_tvoc name:TVOCname:TVOCicon:nullalign_icon:right show:fill:trueanimate:truehours_to_show:24points...
配合第三方前端卡片插件apexcharts-card,可以达到效果: 卡片效果 本文参考:https://bbs.hassbian.com/thread-8475-1-1.html 前提 使用的前提很简单,我们需要一台安装了Home Assistant的树莓派,如果你的树莓派并没有安装Home Assistant Core或者Supervised,可以参考教程: 10:50 11分钟详细演示树莓派上安装Home Assistant...
type: custom:apexcharts-card graph_span: 7d span: end: day transform Option With transform, you can modify raw data comming from Home-Assistant's history using a javascript function. Some of the things you can do: Transform any state into a number (for eg. for binary_sensors) Apply a di...
93forked-daapd-card746 years ago4 years agoGitHub 94air-visual-card746 years ago3 years agoGitHub 95generic-remote-control-card735 years ago2 years agoGitHub 96plex-meets-homeassistant704 years ago3 years agoGitHub 97hui-element685 years ago3 years agoGitHub ...
[UI界面] 记录南方电网集成UI界面使用(sensor和apexcharts-card卡片) ...23456..76 hunl1986 2023-7-3 75567957 从早睡到晚 25 分钟前 [技术探讨] homeassistant core更新到2025版本,要如何使用语音助手(中文... New mitch 半小时前 228 bugensui 半小时前 [插件集成] Airmx 秒新加湿器接入HA ...23456...
type: custom:apexcharts-card experimental: color_threshold: true graph_span: 2day update_interval: 30s show: loading: true now: show: true label: Now color: gray span: offset: +0day start: day yaxis: - id: primary decimals: 1 min: 0 - id: periods min: 0 max: 1 decimals: 0 show...
Lastly, you need to create the dashboard. To make my own, I used the Mushroom cards, Stack In Card, card-mod and apexcharts-card HACS integrations. If you want to take inspiration from my dashboard, although it is not perfect and still a work in progress, you can find the full YAML...
[UI界面] 记录南方电网集成UI界面使用(sensor和apexcharts-card卡片) ...23456..77 hunl1986 2023-7-3 76670315 jon 1 小时前 [经验分享] P100通过M1S成功接入HA,不是HK反向接入~大佬请无视~ ...23456..8 独心 2021-6-4 7257609 designer_fanfan 2 小时前 [基础教程] 202502 Midea AC LAN在hacs中...