NEW YORK (CBS)Macaulay Culkin, the beloved former child actor who starred in the blockbuster holiday film classic "Home Alone" is all grown up. Known for his starring role as abandoned 9-year-old Kevin McCallister in the 1990 film "Home Alone," the highest-grossing live-action comedy in m...
Movie lovers who remember watchingHome Alonein the early '90s might be feeling pretty old today, as former child star Macaulay Culkin has just turned 40. Famous for his breakout role as Kevin McCallister from the classic family comedy along with a variety of other memorable performances, Culkin ...
After helming "Home Alone 2", "Mrs. Doubtfire", and two installments of the "Harry Potter" series, his experience with the younger Culkin prepared him for working with child actors. One thing he took away is that working with a child actor also means working with the child's family. ...
Macaulay Culkin Is Home Alone, For Real We hate to say"we told you so."But who didn't predict that former child actor Macaulay Culkin, 19, and his wife Rachel Miner, 20, would split up? The New York PostandDaily Newsare reporting the"temporary separation." "It is very amicable and ...
Why John Mulaney Isn’t in ‘Home Alone' Warner Brothers found a solid director for the projectwhen Columbus was hired. However,the process of casting Kevin was not easy. While casting a child actor role is generally difficult,Home Alonerequired a young performer whose charisma could carry an...
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York: Directed by Chris Columbus. With Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern, Catherine O'Hara. Kevin is separated from his family again when he accidentally boards a flight to New York City during a Christmas trip to Miami.
Home Alone: The Holiday Heist is the fifth, and hopefully final, entry into the Home Alone saga. A saga that started great, even brilliant, and has been reduced to an unbearable pile of junk. While this fifth film wasn't quite as bad as the previous one, there isn't much to write ...
When Home Alone debuted in movie theaters back in 1990, not even the creators knew how successful — and hilarious to audiences — it would be. The holiday classic still delights to this day, over 30 years later. The plot is exciting for audiences of all ages, and the star-studded cast...
Culkin went on to star in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, of course, as well as hits like My Girl, but after 1994's Richie Rich the child actor took a break. He eventually returned to acting in 2003, starring in indie movies like Party Monster and Saved, and making guest appearance...
Culkin became the highest-paid child actor in history, earning a cool $4.5 million for reprising the role of Kevin in "Home Alone 2." Professional success, however, couldn't compensate for his dysfunctional homelife. His parents' bitter divorce placed Culkin and his fortune at the forefront,...