I don’t feel like hate/cruel behaviour/other bad stuff is exclusively the domain of the gaming community – everyone and their cousin is either bullying or being bullied online – the internet is still in a state of nature and has become very crowded, everyone’s at war with everyone else...
EX1_507_鱼人领导死亡1(EX1_507_Murloc_Warleader_Death1) 炉石(Hearthstone)/SFX/卡 SFX(Card SFX)/卡 SFX(Card SFX) 1757首 共享闪电铸_1(Shared_Lightning_Cast_1) 炉石(Hearthstone)/SFX/一般 SFX(General SFX)/一般 SFX(General SFX) 1757首 ...
the concept of defensive war does not extend to reclaiming Islamic territories per se; rather, Muslims are not sanctioned to engage in warfare solely for territorial defense. Instead, the imperative for Muslim involvement in armed conflict arises only when the fundamental tenets of Islam face jeopard...
爱给网提供海量的音效专辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为ogg 格式的圣击打铸_01(Holy_Smite_Cast_01), 本站编号30267968, 该音效专辑素材大小为27k, 时长为00:01, 声道为单声道, 音质为标准品质, 比特率为128k, 采样率为48000k, 该素材已被下载:3次, 更多精彩音效专辑素材,尽在爱给网。 该资源来自于...