of each May, Holy Trinity hosts the Diocese of ShreveportRed Mass. In 2024 wehonored the Five Priests, Servants of God, of the 1873 Yellow Fever Epidemic. What a joy it was to host His Eminence Cardinal Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S.Click (here)to view the Mass online...
Office Manager Email: Trinityoffice@htscatholic.com Welcome A Parish Community seeking to live the gospel of Jesus Christ Sacramental Life at the heart of the community Next Mass and Reconciliation Schedule SUNDAY MASSES Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 p.m. ...
Daily Mass & Rosary 8:00am 7 days a week View the full schedule News & Events With access to the adjacent parish school building's large gym and cafeteria, Holy Trinity is able to offer various community social and religious activities for all ages. ...
She kept the coach clean, drove on tiny streets and was flexible with her schedule and time to help us as visitors to her country/city. The performance venues and contacts were unbelievable. Each were unique, friendly and acoustically and musically a blessing to perform in. The participation ...
EVENTS SCHEDULE MASS SCHEDULE ABOUT The Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity are Roman Catholic nuns whose purpose is the glorification of the Most Holy Trinity and elementary education. Founded in 1762 in Rome, the group came to the United States in 1920 and its Motherhouse is set on the gloriou...
Holy Trinity Church choir tours for the finest choirs. Find educational Holy Trinity Church choir tours loaded with great performance opportunities and unforgettable experiences for your group.
10:30 am - Holy Trinity, Hartington 10:30 am - St Mary, Osmond Confessions prior to all Weekend Masses For a complete schedule of the Weekend and Weekday Mass and Confession times for the current week see the current bulletin. For Weekend and Weekday Masses beyond the current week see ...
https://saintcyrils.church/discover/liturgy/mass-times/ 6pm every Sunday New Baltimore: St. Mary Queen of Creation https://smqoc.com/ 1pm every Sunday Detroit Greektown: Holy Family Parish** https://www.hfdet.org/mass-schedule 9:30am every first Sunday of the month ...
“Today, more than any other time in the history of the world, souls must pray to recognize Truth. Satan, who is the Prince of lies, has control of governments, the economy and mass media. My Commandments are the basis of Truth. Anyone or anything which goes against My Commandments goes...
Vespers/Ashes/Mass at 5:30pm Weekly Lenten Services Regular Matins & Vespers Potluck after Wednesday Mass Stations of the Cross: 6:30pm Fridays Feast of the Annunciation Monday, March 24 Vespers/Vesperal Mass at 5:30pm Complete Lent-Easter Schedule...