John the Baptist’s reference to the dove has become a symbol of the Holy Spirit. We see the dove imprinted in stained glass windows in church buildings and we see pictures and paintings of doves in Christian literature and art. The dove is a very shy bird—a wild bird. You cannot get...
The Church of the Holy Spirit in Tallinn was built in the 13th century and has undergone very minimal changes since that time. It has a medieval wooden altarpiece, the oldest bell in Estonia, gallery paintings from the 17th century & had the first book i
The Church tried to identify the people in the movie with the help of the worldwide web, posting screenshots at several anorak fora, and Dark Globe took it upon him to show these pictures to David Gale and Matthew Scurfield after a reading at the City Wakes festival this year. Hester Pa...
Agreement is a powerful theme that the Holy Spirit frequently teaches in Scripture. Furthermore, it is one of the most formidable kingdom principles through which we can get things done or accomplished. As a matter of fact, the power of agreement will work for any group of people who put ...
being built on theexactsite of Jesus’ birth simply because over 300 years had passed between the birth of Jesus and the building of the church. That’s a long time. After 300secondsI barely remember the spot where I left my jacket.But exact or not, the spirit of Christ is everywhere....
Through many, many vicissitudes Justinian's cathedral church for Constantinople still stands, its soaring vaults and amazing dome are a testament to the human spirit, the engineering talents of its builders and the kindness of those who have treasured and preserved her over the centuries. You can...
“And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus. This man was instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things o...
One of the most famous pictures to use this effect to create volume and depth is the Last Supper, created by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1495 – 1498, which marked the beginning of the High Renaissance in art. Leonardo Da Vinci did not invent the technique, however, and relied on the work of...
designed to echo on a much smaller scale St.Peter’s in Rome, and ravishing when over-grown and wild as it was last year. I photograph in there regularly. Always managing to discover unseen statues, so many angels, and a wealth of ever-changing imagery. And also I take pictures just ...
It was of course 40 years ago when Barrett recordedThe Madcap Laughsand memories may have played tricks on people. A famous example is the Mick Rock statement that Syd Barrett's car was bright pink while the pictures taken by him on that day show that the car was actually dark blue. On...