Holy Rosary Parish Church1/0 Holy Rosary Parish Church 2.8 热度 4.1分 8条点评 今日5:00-20:00开放 实用攻略 Santo Rosario St, Angeles, 2009 Pampanga, 菲律宾 地图·周边 达人笔记 菲律宾潘帕嘉:历史与活力交融之地 老猫and老鼠 288 用户点评(8)查看全部 4.1/5分 好评6 potter1985...
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(Holy Rosary Parish / Iglesia Santo Rosario) Sunday - Domingo 8:00 AMEspañol Confession / Confesiones Saturday9:00AMto10:00AMSacred Heart9:00AMto10:00AMConfesiones - Sagrado Corazón Other days by appointment. Please call the office. Para otros días, por cita solamente. Llamar a la ofici...
Holy Rosary CHurch BlogPhone Search Welcome! Holy Rosary is a community of believers centered in Jesus Christ and rooted in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. We are a people who celebrate the presence of God among us in Word and Sacrament. Deriving our strength from the Eucharist, ...
Holy Rosary Parish Church Holy Rosary Parish Church *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!提示:地址:Rosario, Angeles City, Luzon, Philippines 教堂 游玩时间: 建议1-2小时 当前页面URL:http://www.948v.com/jingdian/jd7817470.html 热门景点推荐1 US Memorial Cemetery US Memorial Cemetery (711) 2 Sky Garden...
> Today's Mass Broadcast Mass, Confession, & Adoration Times The Weekly Bulletin Listen to a Homily Donate to Support Our Churches Check out our Newsletter In addition to our weekly parish bulletin, each month the Holy Rosary parish publishes a newsletter featuring the people and events of our...
QUEEN OF THE HOLY ROSARY PARISH Fr. John Fongemie FSSP, Pastor Fr. Joshua Houck, FSSP, Parochial Vicar Office: 330-856-4204 qhrvienna@gmail.com 291 Scoville Dr • Vienna, OH 44473 ___ MASS TIMES Mondays and Wednesdays: 8:00am Tuesdays ...
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish April 11, 2004 Easter Sunday Masses: April 11 - April 18 Offertory CollectionSAFE Environment Training for allParish and School Volunteers: The Office for Healing and Prevention of the Diocese ofWorcester requires that all ministers, educators...
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Our Lady of Holy Rosary Parish 1.292M4+VHM, Rosario, Agusan del Sur, 菲律宾 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Icebergs Restaurant 3.5 分 6条点评 ¥168/人 西餐 直线距离44.5km KrooKroo Chicken 3.3 分 3...