显示所有包含 Holy Roman Empire 的英语例句 用户正在搜索 follow-my-leader,follow-on,follow-scene,follow-the-leader,follow-through,follow-up,follutein,folly,follyer,folpet, 相似单词 Holy Father,Holy Ghost,Holy Grail,Holy Land,holy place,Holy Roman Empire,Holy Saturday,Holy Scripture,Holy Sepulcher,...
His code name for the invasion was “Operation Barbarossa,” after the great twelfth-century tactician and emperor Frederick Barbarossa, who unified many European kingdoms under German rule as leader of the Holy Roman Empire. FromLiterature
Civilization: Holy Roman Empire Leader Name: Ferdinand I Unique Ability: Imperial Circles. -20 maintenance cost for buildings in all cities, Gold cost of purchasing Melee units -20%". Unique Unit 1: Schlachtschwertier. Replace Longswordsman, +50% Strength vs [Sword] units, +20% Strength bonu...
Holy Roman Empire n historical (Germanic empire) (历史上的) SC 神圣罗马帝国 Holy Saturday n (day before Easter Sunday) (复活节前的星期六) SC 圣星期六 shèng xīng qī liù TC 聖星期六 The disciples were in mourning on Holy Saturday because Jesus was dead. Holy Scripture n often plural...
(1654), Leopold, who had been educated for the church, became Ferdinand's heir. During his reign the Holy Roman Empire was menaced by the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) in the east and by King Louis XIV of France in the west. The Turkish invasions of Hungary were temporarily checked by the ...
Who was Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire? Who was emperor before Nero? Who were the electors in the Holy Roman Empire? Who ruled the Holy Roman Empire in the 1200s? Who was the Emperor of Rome during the slave revolt? What was the leader of the Roman Empire called? Who was consi...
(Other Non-Christian Religions) a religious sect founded in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon (1920–2012), S Korean industrialist and religious leader. See alsoMoonie Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006,...
Did Charles V rule the Holy Roman Empire? Was Otto the Great a Holy Roman Emperor? Did Philip II believe in divine right? Did Charlemagne rule the Holy Roman Empire? Was Charlemagne a good emperor? Did the Holy Roman Empire get along with the pope?
Did the Holy Roman Empire own Prussia?Holy Roman Empire:Pope Leo III proclaimed Charlemagne Emperor of the Romans in 800, restoring the title in Western Europe after more than three centuries, and so establishing the Carolingian Empire, whose territory became known as the Holy Roman Empire. ...
holy day n (religious festival)宗教节日;圣日Good Friday is a holy day in Catholic countries. the Holy Father n (Roman Catholicism: the Pope) (罗马天主教)教皇Hundreds of people showed up in hopes of seeing the Holy Father in person. Holy Fire n (Orthodox Christianity: miracle) (东正教中...