1. Holy Priest Best in Slot Theses gear lists are considered to be the best in slot for each phase. Click the button that correlates with the specific phase you are interested in seeing a BiS gear list for. Your gear list will mostly follow the stat priority of the Holy Priest spec, ...
Struggles to keep up with other healers as gear improves. 4. Best Races for Holy Priest Here you can see the benefits of the different races forHoly Priestin WotLK. For healers, racial bonuses are very minor and not game changing.
There’s a contingent of players that really desperately want to be victims of big bad blizzard balance, but no, it doesn’t actually affect them. If you think Hpriest lacks the healing to do your +8, then you are not playing well - Hpriest was doing +10 pugs in 608 gear in the ...
Now to compare damage I smacked a single target dummy for 2 minutes on both Disc and Holy with the same gear and did the same exact damage. When I tried AOE damage I actually do 40% more overall AOE dps on Holy vs Disc. That’s in normal ideal situations where you can free cast ...
Wrath Priest Guide Rating: This TBC Priest guide covers all of the Addons, Stats, Gear, Enchants and Talents you will need to be the very best priest you can be! Preface There are many things in WoW that entail being a proper Field Medic. There is much more to it than just gearing ...
Welcome to our WoW Classic guide for Holy Priests! The restorative nature of the priest makes them perfect as a healer. When you think of a healer, a priest is often the first class that comes to mind. They can deal damage, but function much better heali
Priest Shaman Warlock Blessing of Kings and Greater Blessing of Kings BoK and GBoK This buff is attractive to everyone. Especially the players with good gear. The better their gear is, the more they will get out of this buff. Generally this buff is given first to casters, and is a secon...
<Wrought from Ruin> of Cenarius is seeking a few exceptional players to fill out our ranks. Wrought from Ruin has been an active and competitive raiding guild on Cenarius since Vanilla WoW. The average age of our members is mid to late 20s, most of whom
Pre-Raid & BiS Gear Glyphs, Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities PvP Retribution Paladin Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-BiS & Best in Slot Glyphs, Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Priest Guides Priest Leveling Guide PvE Discipline Priest...
In terms of DPS, we actually hit the enrage timer the first time we got to this boss due to whatever reason (bad, no gear qq). We found that if we let the bosses stack for a few seconds, or at least until He started pooping out the poison, it helped a lot with the DPS since...