Maybe you are talking about the weak aura the add-on has on its page? I am not the add-on developer so I cannot comment on it's functionality. Although, it should be able to be moved by typing /baid options and unlocking the radar. You can also change the size. I think you are...
For Paladins, spells are now more expensive when compared to other healers. Paying this cost ahead of time means Holy Power spells are not really free. Paladins must choose to pay more or less for each point, magnifying the effects of good and bad decisions throughout a fight. The way you...
E.g. how much Power of The Silver hands adds to our next heal? Also I have the same problem as the poster above with the WA going into the map. @Danzel Hi there! Yes I do! I don't have beta (Q.Q; so i won't be able to add functionality until next week! However I will ...
yeah seconding this, still can’t see the weak aura links. Would love to have them 0 Reply lettara Author Reply to Roghane 2 years ago Very happy to see there’s interest in my WeakAuras! I have edited the guide and pivoted away from pastebin for the import codes– the code...
Ive been reading the pally forums here and need some help as I prepare for Heroics. Some background: I played Wrath and took a 3 year break until March 2014. I got my pally to 90 and pugged my way through LFR and flex to about a 545 gear level. I joined
( 1, "holy_power" ) removeBuff( "liberation" ) if talent.crusaders_might.enabled then reduceCooldown( "holy_shock", 2 ) reduceCooldown( "judgment", 2 ) end end, }, devotion_aura = { id = 465, cast = 0, cooldown = 0, gcd = "spell", startsCombat = false, text...
Also, if you have a Warrior in your group that is keeping up their attack power shout, then you may wish to talk to him/her about who should do such buffs. This buff is best used by the following classes: Death Knight Warrior Paladin Rogue Feral Druid Hunter Enhancement Shaman –And ...
Holy Paladin received significant aura buffs as well as buffs toWord of GloryandHoly Shock. This has resulted in a playstyle where consumingInfusion of Lighthas become significantly less important. The main gameplay will consist of pressingHoly Shockas much as possible and spending Holy Power as ...
Another thing is that Illidan is pretty weak, considering it is the most expensive unit in the Night Elf roaster. Illidan is only strong when he transforms into his chaos damage form. I suggest having him permanent in his second form to justify his cost. I play as Night Elf and have thi...
I’m not a “power through this” kind of person. “I’ll have meltdown now and feel better later” is more like me. The latter serves me well, but every now and then mastering the former is what gets the job done. Shepard was my shining example of powering through everything. ...