Láthus Holy Paladin Weak Auras 7.0(Legion) About me: I have been raiding since 2006 (As a healer ONLY) in and out of top 100 US guilds. I have always used addons to enhance my gameplay, I firmly believe addons should be used to enhance gameplay
Lathus Holy Paladin Weak Auras 7.0(Legion) About me: I have been raiding since 2006 (As a healer ONLY) in and out of top 100 US guilds. I have always used addons to enhance my gameplay, I firmly believe addons should be used to enhance gameplay, not carry you through it. I have ...
If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to ourTBC Paladin addons and macros. 1. Macros 1.1. Generic Macros for Paladins With the release of The War Within, you were given the option to enable mouseover casting. This will cause your abilities to heal whoever your cursor...
Weak Auras for my Holy Paladin Posted onJanuary 3, 2013|Leave a comment With the release of Mist of Pandaria I made the migration toWeakAuraslike many people. The expected upgrade toPowerAuras(MoP compatible here) wasn’t working out at the time and I made the transition rather than trying...
Paladin – Holy (Level 80) Wrath Paladin Guide Rating: Introduction Races: -Draenei: Best holy PvE race for alliance because of the extra heal -Human: Nothing useful i can think of (except the ocassional “trinket” for SOME boss spells) -Dwarf: Extra armor…noty -Blood Elf: 8% ...
{ id = 32223, cast = 0, cooldown = 0, gcd = "spell", talent = "auras_of_the_resolute", startsCombat = false, texture = 135890, nobuff = "paladin_aura", handler = function () applyBuff( "crusader_aura" ) removeBuff( "devotion_aura" ) removeBuff( "retribution_aura...
I am a motivated Venth Holy Paladin looking for a guild to call home. I am interested in progression raiding and pushing for CE. I am also an active M+ player. If your guild needs a solid Healer who shows up on time and ready to go please reach out! I will check this post or yo...
I know I went very granular on the first few fights. Please take my criticism and advice with a grain of salt. And like always, let us know if there's anything else we can do to help. Everyone on the paladin forums and Icy-Veins all together are here to help others. All you gotta...
Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail) - hekili/Dragonflight/PaladinHoly.lua at cb5c186ae01b6af9e3192a53de9ad5de6afdb7c1 · Hekili/hekili
Láthus Holy Paladin Weak Auras 7.0(Legion) About me: I have been raiding since 2006 (As a healer ONLY) in and out of top 100 US guilds. I have always used addons to enhance my gameplay, I firmly believe addons should be used to enhance gameplay