I have been collecting data for both the multistrike and cleave trinkets as well as probably doing a comparison between Horridons and the DSD trinket and will write up some reports on those Finally, I will be updating the Holy Paladin Guide in the next week or so to 5.4. This will inclu...
Really, an out-put focused trinket, but if you get this, you’ll have enough mana/mp5 from the rest of your gear to make up for it, deff one of the best trinkets for a hpally. Librams: -Just like prot, you might wanna get a few librams 1. Libram of Renewal Best libram to ...
Holy Paladin PvE Stats 1.1. Other Holy Paladin Best in Slot Lists To check out our recommended best in slot gear, head over to its list below. Holy Paladin Best in Slot 2. Phase 5 Pre-Raid Best in Slot Table SlotItemSource Helm ...
The Paladin Set UpI went with this build, using Dysmorphic Samophlange of Discontinuity (yes, normal version – stupid trinket that never drops on heroic) and Prismatic Prison of Pride as my trinkets. The Divinity glyph probably wasn’t necessary since mana wasn’t an issue with the Selfless...
I’m not a meter whore and neither is any good healer. I play a Paladin because Isavepeople and because, when it comes down to it, I’m one of the best at keeping that one special player alive; whether he’s the tank, the debuff target, or just “special”. Spending Holy Power ...