但HNMCS就是可以代替顶级女校,性价比不错的学校,虽然蔡老师个人觉得混校更加利于孩子的个性发展,但小规模的女校也能让孩子得到锻炼,而且HNMCS和多伦多顶级男校St Michael's College School是姐妹兄弟学校,两个学校也经常一起组织活动。 好啦,今天的HNMCS访校就到这里,目前2022年9月入学还可以申请的。
Holy Name of Mary College School (HNMCS) in Mississauga is an independent, Catholic school for girls in grades 5 – 12 sponsored by the Felician Sisters and the Basilian Fathers of St. Michael’s College School. Guided by its mission, the school strives for a culture of achievement that de...
Holy Name of Mary College School offers a challenging academic program in a supportive & nurturing environment. Our students are confident & ready to make a difference. Visit our website to learn more.
It should not be confused with Holy Name of Mary College School (HNMCS), an independent Catholic all-girls school located on its former campus in Mississauga. Holy Name of Mary Catholic Secondary School is the only single-gender school in the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, ...