Holy Bible - Bible Study is one pure and unique HOLY BIBLE study mate and deep Smart Bible Q&A Tool , enhancing your daily spiritual pray learning, bible verse…
M 调高音量 调低音量 增速 Shift+. 降低速度 Shift+, 向后跳过15秒 orJ 播放/暂停 SpaceorK 跳过15秒 orL 弹出播放器 扬声器 Arnold Brevick 已录入 类别 没有系列 圣经文本 讲道ID 播放计数 2021年4月25日 周日服务 Psalms 大五得詩 99 52211218578124 ...
You can also record live church services! This Holy Bible(KJV, NIV) allows you to highlight and bookmark any part of scriptures like you would in real life, add personal notes, voice recordings and sermons, copy, paste, share scriptures with friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook, ...
The Anchor needs to get a bit nerdy and technical here, like those Bible scholars who combine different fourth century Greek editions in order to reconstruct the ultimate Bible source. We are going to compare the different versions of the tracks, so you have been warned. Barrett fans have str...
the Lord has continued to gradually recover more light and truth from His Word. This recovery in spiritual and scriptural understanding has ushered in a corresponding recovery in both the individual and the corporate aspects of the Christian life. The Recovery Version of the Bible is so named bec...
lcgchurch.org.uk [...] Philosophy and Religious Sciences oftheHolySpirit Seminary College or Biblical Institute, catechists of the parish or staff members of formation institute of the Diocese, so as to enable the faithful to review systematically the relationship between daily life andthebible,lit...
The modern Bible is divided into two main sections: The Old Testament (often referred to as "the bad one"), and the New Testament (erroneously, often thought to be "good"). Each of these consists of many individual "books", which are subdivided into chapters and verses for easy reference...
The King James Version (KJV), commonly known as the Authorized Version (AV) or King James Bible (KJB), is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England begun in 1604 and completed in 1611. First printed by the King's Printer Robert Barker, this was the third ...
Better understand the Christian faith and the importance of the church in your life. Christian culture explained through the Bible, together we can make a better world with our faith, God bless you ! Never give up, God gave us HOPE . Have you lost your hope ? You can regain the lost ...
complete Bible Book, this app segregate the some most impassive thoughts although everything is very impressive in this Holy Book. These thoughts are the actual essence of the Holy Book. It shows the actual teachings of God Jesus and attracts our children’s to learn these things in life. ...