Holy basil is possibly unsafe when taken during pregnancy or when trying to become pregnant. In animals, large doses of holy basil seem to reduce the chance ofgetting pregnantor having a full-length pregnancy. It is not known if this happens in humans. Stay on the safe side and avoid usi...
Traditional practitioners call tulsi (or holy basil) the “Queen of Herbs” and believe it can help the body deal with stress. What does the science say about its many purported benefits? Read on to find out. What is Tulsi or Holy Basil? Tulsi or holy basil [Ocimum sanctumorOcimum sanctu...
How to plant these tasty & beneficial herbs indoors or outside Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is a beautiful herb that's often added to dishes or used as a medicinal plant to treat a wide range of ailments, like reducing stress and...
stress and anxiety. I have heard that any medicine or treatment has a smaller chance of working when the person it is being used on does not believe it will actually do him any good. For this reason, you might want to avoid the herbs with medicinal benefits such as holy basil. ...