Holmium Oxide Glass Standard 英文名称: Holmium Oxide Glass Standard 总访问: 146 国产/进口: 进口 半年访问: 17 产地/品牌: PerkinElmer/珀金埃尔默 产品类别: 其他实验耗材 规格: N1010545 最后更新: 2024-12-5 货号: N1010545 参考报价: 面议 立即询价 电话咨询 ...
The criteria can have varying thicknesses to simulate different moisture levels. Didymium glass may be used with holmium oxide glass. The moisture sensor operates in the 1.94 and 1.8 micron reference and measurement infrared regions, respectively.ティキシェ,セバスチャン...
Chemical Properties Holmium oxide (Ho2O3), also known as Holmia, is a light yellow powder that is one of the most paramagnetic substances known. Holmium oxide glass has been used as a wavelength standard for over four decades. It has a number of desirable features that have made it a com...
1) holmium oxide glass standard 氧化钬标准玻璃 2) standard glass,normal glass 标准玻璃 3) Uranium standard glass 铀标准玻璃 1. Uranium standard glassused for fission track calibration; 用于裂变径迹刻度的国产铀标准玻璃 4) Standard uranium glass ...
交易: HOLMIUM OXIDE GLASS STANDARD (1NO) 数据已更新至2025-01-18 有联系方式 merck life science pvt ltd. 收藏 india|862240笔交易 活跃值87 推荐: 近两年采购holmium共179笔记录,占该司近两年162234笔总交易的0.11%。 主营: holmium,holmium oxide 交易: Holmium(III) oxide LAB 3PCS X 2GMS INORGANI...
Initially, 50 mg of Nb2C powder (2D Semiconductors, USA) was added in a glass vial containing 10 mL of isopropyl alcohol (IPA, Sigma Aldrich). The mixture was put under the sonication process using a Hielscher UP200Ht probe type sonicator to obtain a homogenous solution. The sonicator was...
Wavelength scale: This may be checked using a reference material consisting of an optical glass filter containing holmium oxide which has distinct absorption bands. Escala de comprimento de onda: Esta verificação pode ser efetuada com material de referência constituído por um filtro ótico...
Dysprosium(III) carbonate tetrahydrate has specialized uses in laser glass, phosphors and Dysprosium Metal halide lamp. Dysprosium is used in conjunction with Vanadium and other elements, in making laser materials and commercial lighting. Uses
A MAX phase Ti3AlC2 thin film is demonstrated as a saturable absorber (SA) to induce Q-switching in the 2.0 μm region. The Ti3AlC2 thin film is sandwiched between two fiber ferrules and integrated into thulium doped fiber laser (TDFL) and thulium-holmium doped fiber laser (THDFL) cavit...
Near infrared moisture sensors using stable holmium oxide glass calibration standards that simulate different moistures levels in paper obviates problems associated with glass encased paper samples. Holmium oxide glass has a strong absorption at 1.93 microns which is close to absorption by paper. ...