The use of a holmium oxide calibration filter is discussed for checking wavelength, trouble-shooting, and adjusting sensitivity of spectrophotometers. Correction tables may be prepared to permit setting the instrument to true wavelength. One spectrophotometer was found to have a wavelength error large ...
Holmium Oxide Glass Standard,Holmium Oxide Glass FilterHolmium oxide glass filter for checking the wavelength accuracy of a UV/Vis or UV/Vis/NIR spectrometer. The filter is mounted in precision aluminium spring mount and is provi
Holmium oxide Cas No.: 12055-62-8 Molecular Formula: Ho2O3 Molecular Weight: 377.86 Goods NoBrandPackageInventory B600299-5g Boer 5g in stock B600299-25g Boer 25g in stock B600299-100g Boer 100g in stock B600299-500g Boer 500g in stock Bulk Inquiry? OPEN Holmium(III) ox...
活跃值77 推荐: 近两年采购holmium oxide共2笔记录,占该司近两年4935笔总交易的0.04%。 主营: holmium oxide 交易: HOLMIUM OXIDE GLASS FILTER P/NO RM-HG 数据已更新至2025-01-29 有联系方式 divis laboratories ltd. 收藏 india|3827笔交易 活跃值86 交易: HOLMIUM OXIDE GLASS STANDARD (1NO) 数据已...
Wavelength scale: This may be checked using a reference material consisting of an optical glass filter containing holmium oxide which has distinct absorption bands. Escala de comprimento de onda: Esta verificação pode ser efetuada com material de referência constituído por um filtro ótico...
A femtosecond thulium holmium co-doped fiber laser based on graphene oxide evanescent filed interaction. in 2014 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)-Laser Science to Photonic Applications 1–2 (IEEE, 2014). Whitenett, G., Stewart, G., Yu, H. & Culshaw, B. Investigation of a...
维修/清洗 DAD 和 MWD 上的氧化钬滤光片 中国总部 | 其他分公司 北京市朝阳区望京北路 3 号 100102 全球电子邮件 +86 800-820-3278 +86 400-820-3278 全球联系电话 关于安捷伦 新闻中心 公司信息 投资商关系 工作 社会关系 与安捷伦合作 大学关系 环境、社会和公司治理 卓越的科学...