On January 24th, 1988, John and Laurie were married in the Little Chapel of the Flowers, in Las Vegas. It was a simple ceremony. The bride wore white. “It was a big ordeal for him,” says Laurie. “He knew he was dying. He knew we wouldn’t have a life together.” In February...
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; France; Boulogne; A Train; Italy; Rome; Via Nazionale; Hotel; Palatine Hill; The Vatican; Sistine Chapel; Railway Station; Brindisi; Aboard the Romulus; Egypt; Alexandria; Hotel; Bazaar; Cairo; al-Muallaqah / The Hanging Church; Hotel; The Nile; Akhmim; Cai...
(Calyxtus Reginald Armstrong; Lady Forster; Johnny Roberts; Fiona Roberts; Marigold Roberts; Beatrice Mulvaney; Reynolds) Unnamed Characters: Scotland Yard Officers; Mediterranean Man; Man in Top Hat; Jail Constable; Jailers; Watson's Patients; Witechapel Tobacco Customer; Whitechapel Tobacco Shop ...
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Bath; Wells Station; Somerset; Glastonbury; Glastonbury Station; Benedict Street; Magdalene Street; High Street; George Hotel; Church of St John the Baptist; Appleby's Butcher's Shop; Lansdown Street; Chilkwell Street; Glastonbury Tor; St Michael's Chapel; Barratt...