另外一条长那么一丢丢丶陡那么一丢丢丶人少那么一丢丢的路线开始于一条fire road和N. Vermont Canyon Rd的交口处(在Greek Theater附近),这里就应该会有足够的街趴位置。 另外一条最受欢迎丶最老少皆宜的路线从Charlie Turner Trailhead开始。这条路线在夏天比较炎热,所以一定带好足够的饮用水。凉鞋和拖鞋不是登...
Hiking to the Hollywood Sign not only gets you to the iconic sign but also provides a fun and safe hike away from the hustle of LA.
How do I hike to the Hollywood Sign? Compare hiking routes to the Hollywood Sign on Mount Lee in Griffith Park in Los Angeles, California
You might not realize that Hollywood has a lake until you look down on it from the top of Mount Lee by the Hollywood Sign. Numerous hikes lead to theHollywood Signand a level hiking trail wraps aroundLake Hollywood Reservoir. To visit the Hollywood Sign, three peaks on the west side of ...
Location: Meet the guide outside behind the long white gate at the trailhead next to the Smokey Bear sign Instruction: A guide wears a neon yellow Bikes & Hikes vest You can choose to depart at the following times: 08:45, 14:45, 16:15. Make sure you take part at the time you ...
One of our16 Ways to See the Hollywood Sign The hike to the Wisdom Tree via Cahuenga and Burbank Peaks is a rugged three mile out-and-back in one of the newest additions toGriffith Park. This trail features relentless ascents and tremendous views of Griffith Park, heading to a unique lon...
the 1960s Batman series and John Ford’s “The Searchers.” To access Bronson Canyon, start at the Brush Canyon trailhead and walk until you see a short road on the east side, which will lead you right to it. Keep hiking through the cave for a stunning view of the Hollywood Sign. ...
Hike 4.5 miles along Griffith Park's ridge for commanding views of the Hollywood sign and downtown.
How to Get There:A short hike from the developed trailhead at the end of Canyon Drive. There’s a decent amount of parking here, but no transit connections. We did see a couple of those civilization-destroying rideshare scooters near the trailhead, though. ...
高级版本:The Cahuenga Peak Hike 这条高级版本的trail全长3miles,海拔爬升872英尺,预计费时2个小时。到达出发点最简单又能避开Hollywood Hills road的方法是从Barham Blvd走Lake Hollywood Drive。沿着Lake Hollywood Drive一直开开开开,直到你看到这条朝东的Wonder View Drive。如果你很有钱,那你就在这条drive上停...