这个游戏的画面是我很喜欢的那一类,有兴趣的朋友可以去steam支持一下 空洞骑士 独立游戏 单机游戏 游戏 单机游戏 神作 单机联机 IGN hollow knight Instaco栗课发消息 想加入听写Q群:677978163,每周发布一个视频听写任务,完不成必踢,铁腕监督,告别拖延症。
Hollow Knight is a new classic, with a dense and detailed world full of secrets to discover. Read full review IGN Tom Marks 9.4 / 10.0 Hollow Knight’s rich world and incredible depth of content will make you want to explore its caves for dozens of hours. Read full review Eurogamer Vik...
Hollow Knight is a classically styled 2D action adventure across a vast interconnected world. Explore twisting caverns, ancient cities and deadly wastes; battle tainted creatures and befriend bizarre bugs; and solve ancient mysteries at the kingdom's heart. ## Game Features Classic side-scrolling ...
Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition is rated 'Mighty' after being reviewed by 12 critics, with an overall average score of 88. It's ranked in the...
自IGN说《SMT5》是“ Persona without the heart”之后,群里纷纷开始了造句大赛。我塞: Metroid is hollowknight without the heart我: Ninja Gaiden is Nioh without the heart在瞎比叨叨这方面,国内媒体见到IGN都得承让,所以拿IGN分说事儿的玩家/写手,一般在我眼里基本等于——啥也没说。