Шукайтегру Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition ужанрі дляплатформинаофіційномувеб-сайті PlayStation. Придбати Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition і переглянутиновини, в
请到PlayStation 官方网站浏览针对 主机推出的 游戏 Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition 。查看 Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition 的各種特色、最新消息、影片、螢幕擷取畫面,並立即從 PlayStation Store 購買遊戲
Hollow Knight Edição Coração Vazio inclui: • O premiado jogo de ação e aventura. • 4 Pacotes de Conteúdo gigantes, embutidos no lançamento, expandindo o jogo com novas missões, lutas contra chefes aterrorizantes e novas habilidades surpreendentes. Características do jogo...
Hollow Knight Voidheart Edition includes: • The original, award winning, action adventure. • 4 giant Content Packs, built in at launch, expanding the game with all new quests, terrifying boss fights and striking new abilities. Game Features • Classic side-scrolling action, with all the...
Hollow Knight Voidheart Edition includes:- The original, award winning, action adventure.- 4 giant Content Packs, built in at launch, expanding the game with all new quests, terrifying boss fights and striking new abilities.Game Features• Classic side-scrolling action, with all the modern ...
Hollow Knight Voidheart Edition includes: - The original, award winning, action adventure. - 4 giant Content Packs, built in at launch, expanding the game with all new quests, terrifying boss fights and striking new abilities. Game Features ...
空洞骑士:虚空之心版할로우 나이트: 공허의 심장 에디션 / Hollow Knight: 공허의 심장 에디션Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition Team Cherry 2018-09-25 - . -9.6 独立 中文 1想玩0在玩3玩过1已购买1在关注 ...
Descend into the world of Hollow Knight! The award winning action adventure of insects and heroes. Explore twisting caverns, ancient cities and deadly wastes. Battle tainted creatures and befriend bizarre bugs. Uncover ancient history and solve the myste
Check out theHollow Knight: Voidheart Edition Walkthroughto find details of how to win63 Achievementsfrom this game, worth a total of3,663 TrueAchievement points (1,000 Gamerscore) Achievement Distribution This is the overall win distribution of theHollow Knight: Voidheart Edition Achievements: ...
William designs the game along with Ari. He creates the enemy, boss and game behaviour for Hollow Knight. If an enemy seems too challenging or a gauntlet insurmountable, blame him! David Kazi Dave was responsible for Hollow Knight's technical direction. He divided his time between making the ...