When the dance was at an end, Ichabod was attracted to a knot of the sager folks, who, with Old V an Tassel, sat smoking at one end of the piazza, gossiping over former times, and drawing out long stories about the war. This neighborhood, at the time of which I am speaking, was...
Sometimes Hollow Knight [The character] walks through a wall and gets stuck, which shouldn’t really happen. The team gets angry and tell him not to, but that just seems to make him want to do it even more. Through a combination of reverse-psychology and coding, Team Che...
The fiber preform can be made relatively simply by arranging a number of silica capillaries, and these result in thin glass membranes after drawing into a fiber. A more refined version contains additional smaller rings nested within the larger rings [21, 33], and can provide further reduced ...
The principle behind conventional optical fibers is simple. Total internal reflection traps light in a core, which has a higher refractive index than the surrounding cladding material, which must have a refractive index of less than one to guide light in air or a vacuum. In hollow-core fibers,...
While other air/silica microstructured fibre types (for instance those with a solid core and a large mode area) can be achieved from stacked preforms in a single fibre drawing step, HC-PBGF preforms require an intermediate step (see Figure 2B and C) in which the primary preform is fused ...
S, C, L telecom bands (1302–1637 nm). The debut of this conjoined-tube HCF, with combined merits of ultralow loss, broad bandwidth, low bending loss, high mode quality and simple structure heralds a new opportunity to fully unleash the potential of HCF in telecommunication applications. ...
The porous fiber (Figure 1a) is easily obtained by drilling and drawing a plastic preform, but the design is limited by how thin the wall thickness can be during the drilling process. However, some energy will still overlap the lossy material leading to high absorption loss. The hollow-core...
Studies have shown that the drawing of HC-PBGF with a small air hole pitch can effectively cause a blue shift for the transmission window. However, the fabrication of PCFs with a small air hole pitch is challenging [78]. In addition, the inherent transmission bandwidths of the fibers are...
On the other hand, it leads to excitation of many air core modes due to inhomogeneous construction of the fiber occurring under the drawing. It also leads to a narrowing of the transmission bands [30]. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the optimization of the RF geometric structure ...
The ARHCF used in the experiments was made of high purity fused silica glass (Suprasil F300) and fabricated using the common stack-and-draw technique [28]. The capillaries in the cladding were pressurized to prevent them from collapsing during the fiber fabrication. Optimized fiber drawing proces...