Reports on the Louis Hallacy II Distinguished Service Award presented by the Holland Area Chamber of Commerce to Hope College professor David Myers and the ATHENA Award to Deanna DePree, executive director of Life Services Syste...
Stop in soon (with your dog of course), meet the boutique owners Veejay and Heather Gahir, and pick up a treat for yourself and your pet! City of Holland, Michigan Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau Holland Farmers Market ...
And so, New Holland Brewing Company was born in Holland, Michigan near the shores of Lake Michigan. Today, New Holland is recognized as one of the leading innovators in the revolution of craft brewing and distilling. With nearly 400 team members, New Holland’s craft beer and spirits are ...
Reports the consolidation of Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce and Holland Area Chamber of Commerce in Michigan. Partnership of both chambers with the Lansing and Detroit area chambers; Formation of Allied Chambers LLP due...
Reports that Chris Byrnes was elected as president of the Holland Area Chamber of Commerce in Michigan. Replacement of Louis Hallacy II; Succession planning for the chamber's leadership; Byrnes' previous positio...
Leadership Holland Graduates 27Focuses on the graduates of the leadership training program in Holland, Michigan for the year 2000 by the Holland Area Chamber of Commerce. Details of the program; Names of graduates.Greiner, David...
Reports on the retirement of Louis Hallacy II as president of the Holland Area Chamber of Commerce in Michigan. Accomplishments during Hallacy's 20 years of service; Chris Byrnes as the possible replacement for Hallacy....
Reports that the Michigan Small Business Development Center is planning to open a local office in Holland to provide support to small businesses. Collaboration of SBDC with the Holland Area Chamber of Commerce; Service pro...