霍兰德职业兴趣测试(Holland Code Career Test),也被称为霍兰德职业兴趣理论,是由心理学家约翰·霍兰德(John L. Holland)在20世纪50年代提出。该理论将职业兴趣分为六种基本类型,每种类型对应不同的职业倾向和工作环境。 职业匹配(Occupational Matching) 霍兰德的职业兴趣测试基于一个核心理念:人们倾向于选择与其个性和...
Accurate, Free Test to Find Your Ideal Career 691,454TESTS TAKEN IN THE LAST 30 DAYS Free career quiz uses the respectedHolland Codesystem to show you which jobs will suit your interests, talents, and aptitude. Get scores for 6 major job areas to guide your career planning. ...
請選擇你有興趣的、喜歡的職業。至少需選擇六個。 您目前選擇的職業張數為:0 張 廚師 機師 軍人 警察 藥師 醫師 獸醫 記者 編劇 主播 片師 保母 導遊 領隊 宗教 律師 導演 導播 公關 秘書 燈光師 芳療師 烘焙師 調酒師 園藝師 醫檢師 化學家
For an accurate assessment of all six Holland Codes, take Career Key\'s career test. Instead of giving results as three-letter codes and alphabetical lists of careers, our unique matching system enables you to identify careers and college majors that match your set of interests, traits, skills...
What Is a Business Activity Code? What is Mental Age? What is a Career Test? Should I Take a Career Assessment Test? What is Psychometric Testing? Discussion Comments WiseGeek, in your inbox Our latest articles, guides, and more, delivered daily. ...
After identifying your top two or three interest themes, the letters can be combined in a way similar to the Myers-Briggs to form a multi-letter “Holland Code” (e.g., AIS, SIA, IRA). This code can then be used to aid your search for your best career match. ...
By asking you practical questions about the types of tasks you enjoy doing (both on the job and off) theHolland Code systemis able to provide you with a match between your interests and the careers you would enjoy doing. So how do you know your Holland Code career type, and thus, which...
Look for the Jung Typology Test. Power Point Adapted from Power Point Adapted from seattlecentral.edu/careercenter/fachandouts/HollandCodes.pdf seattlecentral.edu/careercenter/fachandouts/HollandCodes.pdf 相关文档 英语读物 荷兰历史History of Holland Holland Code - WECA荷兰码联盟 荷兰的RIASEC兴趣量表对...
The use of John Holland’s interests test offers several benefits over other interest and career tests. The test can be made independently The test can be assessed independently The test is interpreted independently The individual summary (advice) is connected to a network of over 1,400 different...
TheConventional personalitytype refers to a personality type in the career personality inventory developed by psychologistJohn Holland. It was initially designed in the 1950s but has been revised continuously through the 2000s. The Conventional, or Organizational, personality type is one of six types ...