Stem cells, ozone, oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, glutathione, vitamin compounds, and nutritional programs starve and eliminate what makes you sick while synergistically boosting your body’s natural defenses. Non-surgical Beauty Emerge a whole new healthy you. It doesn’t hurt (literally!) to take ...
Turkey baster, or large needle-less syringe to administer peroxide according to your vet’s instructions (approx 2mL/lb of dog, by mouth, repeat if no puke in 15 minutes) There are important situations in which you should never induce vomiting: sharp objects, caustic substances, call your ...
Food-grade hydrogen peroxideis a great natural remedy for tooth infection and can be used to help relieve bacterial infections in the gums or mouth. It's important to make sure you're using3 percent concentration hydrogen peroxidewhen using it at home. To use this method, mix equal parts o...
A majority of German cancer clinics use orthodox treatments. The same orthodox treatments with the same success rates as those used in the United States. In researching for the right cancer clinic, it is paramount to find a clinic that usesalternative medicine. ...