GLIOBLASTOMA multiformeIMMUNOTHERAPYCANCER treatmentImmunotherapy represents an attractive avenue for cancer therapy due to its tumour specificity and relatively low frequency of adverse effects compared to other treatment modalities. Despite many advances being made in the field of can...
A Holistic Approach to Hard-to-Treat Cancers: The Future of Immunotherapy for Glioblastoma, Triple Negative Breast Cancer, and Advanced Prostate Cancer Immunotherapy represents an attractive avenue for cancer therapy due to its tumour specificity and relatively low frequency of adverse effects compared to...
a phenomenon called “distribution drift” might arise and cause non-standard acquisition. From a clinical need perspective, medical images are the key part of diagnosis of a disease and then the treatment too. In traditional diagnosis, a radiologist reviews the image, and ...
Zhou, J. et al. Highly penetrative, drug-loaded nanocarriers improve treatment of glioblastoma.Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA110, 11751–11756 (2013). ArticleCASPubMedPubMed CentralGoogle Scholar Nance, E. A. et al. A dense poly(ethylene glycol) coating improves penetration of large polymeric nan...
This advancement will be critical for the development of novel therapies to treat cancer. Abstract Immunotherapy has revolutionised the treatment of cancers by exploiting the immune system to eliminate tumour cells. Despite the impressive response in a proportion of patients, clinical benefit has been ...
for immunotherapy. In this review, we summarize underlying mechanism of targeting CDK4/6 in regulating antigen presentation, immune cell activation, and tumor immune microenvironment (TIME) remodeling and in producing synergistic effects with immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) in cancer clinical treatment....