Great news! Funding is available for open access publishing. Overview Holistic Integrative Oncology is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal on all aspects of oncology research. Publish high quality content on all aspects of cancer research that provides guidance to oncology practitioners, clinicians an...
2024年3月1日,在召开2024中国抗癌协会工作会议期间,对中国抗癌协会官方英文期刊《Holistic Integrative Oncology》(简称“HIO”)的优秀审稿专家进行了表彰。天津地区获此殊荣的有20位,其中19位来自天津医科大学肿瘤医院,1位来自天津医科大学总医...
日前,由中国抗癌协会主办、理事长樊代明院士担任主编的Holistic Integrative Oncology(HIO)英文期刊经国家新闻出版署批准,成为国内正式期刊,刊号为CN12-1481/R73,主管单位为中国科学技术协会。 2022年9月20日,经过前期两轮专家评审,主编樊代明院士亲自答辩,...
【中国抗癌学会主办国际期刊Holistic Integrative Oncology首期论文正式上线】Holistic Integrative Oncology (HIO)是由中国抗癌协会与Springer & Nature出版集团强强联合打造的一本旗舰英文大刊。主编樊代明院士,是中国工程院、美国国家医学院(外籍)、法国医学科学院(外籍)三国院士,现任中国抗癌协会理事长、亚太消化联合学会主席...
Holistic Integrative Oncology Aims and scope Submit manuscript China Anti-Cancer Association Committee of Pancreatic Cancer & Xianjun Yu 1589 Accesses 2 Citations Explore all metrics Abstract Background Pancreatic cancer ranks 10th in the incidence rate of malignant tumors in male, and 12th in female...
treatmentThere are three phenomena that deserve our attention in today's cancer prevention and treatment field:1 First,the effect of cancer prevention and treatment needs to be improved The disease of cancer has long existed since ancient times,and the evolution of human civilization is also ...
Concerted efforts have been made to exploit potential roles of informatics and artificial intelligence (AI) in holistic integrative cancer care. Specifically, significant advances in powerful deep architectures, sophisticated module designs, and the open-sourcing of large labeled cancer datasets make AI in...
Cancer Control·Winning in Integration November 16-19, 2023 Tianjin, China Sponsored by: China Anti-Cancer Association Organized by: Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital Tianjin Anti-Cancer Association Chinese Congress on Holistic Integrative Oncology(CCHIO) is the largest congress in ...
✔️ Access to Top Integrative Oncology Experts We empower you to make informed decisions and navigate your cancer treatment journey with confidence. What Sets Us Apart Personalized Clinic Recommendations Expert Integrative Oncology Network Free, No-Obligation Service Start here Heal...
Holistic Integrative Oncology(HIO)是由中国抗癌协会与Springer Nature出版集团联合创办的一本旗舰英文期刊。2021年10月正式创刊,2022年4月28日全面上线,是国际上第一本传播整合肿瘤学理念,关注恶性肿瘤“防-筛-诊-治-康-管”六位一体全程管理模式,覆盖肿瘤全学科...