2- Learning the real causes for breast cancer is prevention enough.There are simple and easy to understand principles explaining the appearance of tumors on the breast. German New Medicine describes in great detail the process of growth and elimination of a tumor. It is a biological process and...
The global search for a safe, irreversible cure after lethal radiation exposure and cancer has not been successful since World War II. Nuclear warfare cannot be recreated in a laboratory. Simulation experiments require highly classified, expensive, and approved infrastructure. Chemotherapy and ...
Breast cancer is now the most common malignant tumor worldwide. About one-fourth of female cancer patients all over the world suffer from breast cancer. An
An evidence-based study has shown that TCM therapy can play a role in the preoperative, perioperative, or postoperative recovery of breast cancer. Various treatments such as music, massage, and acupuncture can reduce pain perception in breast cancer patients and improve anxiety, depression, stress, ...
The CACA Guidelines for Holistic Integrative Management of Prostate Cancer includes epidemiology, screening and diagnosis, treatment for localized PC, diagnosis and treatment of PC recurrence after radical prostatectomy, management of metastatic PC, traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment of PC,...
Cancer Salves: A Botanical Approach to Treatment presents the pros and cons of dozens of herbal cancer treatments. Sacred Medicine Sanctuary provides natural remedies that can be used in conjunction with other treatments or as primary responses to cancer
Founded in 1998, Pure Essence started out from a very humble beginning. Jery Cochern, our Founder, went on a quest for a natural cure for cancer, but instead, found a love and appreciation for Eastern disciplines. This inspired him to combine superior herbs with modern supplements, to provid...
Medical Thermography / Cancer Prevention Alternative Pediatric (ADHD, Autism, Down Syndrome, Bed Wetting and more) Alternative Maternity and Pregnancy - Webster Certified Women's & Men's Health & Health Coaching Emotional Wellness Fear, Phobias, Faulty Belief Removal ...
They will be my constant companions for the weeks, months and the rest of my life" She wrote this after breast cancer surgery and before beginning radiotherapy. She continues to do brilliantly.Read More "My daughter who was given a 'middling chance' of cure is a beautiful,, vibrant seven ...
Blood count reading of female patient, aged 12 years receiving radiotherapy for Ewing's Sarcoma, also taking herbal support therapy at the same time This is not a new concept, but was being expressed by Plato in Chronicles 156e: "The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatmen...