NATIONAL HOLIDAYS AND TRADITIONS IN THE USA Презентація натему: Holidays in England. Traditions and Customs in Great Britain Traditions and Customs in Great Britain Traditions and Customs in Great Britain Traditions and holidays of Great Britain HOLIDAYS IN GREAT BRITAIN. Custo...
Some historians point to Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, as evidence of the fact that ancient humans used the June solstice as a way to organize their calendars. Some believe that Stonehenge's unique stone circle was erected around 2500BCEin order to establish the date ...
1. Christmas (圣诞节) and Three traditions of Christmas (圣诞节的三大传统习俗) 2. The Boxing Day and its traditions (节礼日(圣诞节后的第一个工作日)和其传统习俗) 3. Easter (复活节) 4. Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes Night) and the traditions {篝火之夜(盖伊福克斯之夜)和其传统习俗} 5. The...
such as Christmas anc Easter.Others may celebrate traditions in England, which is May Day.We celebrate the beginning of summer and the efforts of workers on that day.Olivi a House, 12, the UK(1) People have a one - day holiday on Valentine's Day in C A.Singapore B.South Korea C.Au...
Britain was also a very religious society and the influence of the Christian Church on peoples' lives was very great. 这种影响在今天的体育和休闲活动中仍然很明显。 Such influences are still evident in today's sports and leisure activities. ...
Sports,HolidaysandFestivalsin BRITAIN Football •Menusedtodoinghard,physicallaborfoundtheyneededtoreleasetheirenergiessincethebadweatherinwinterkeptpeopleindoorsandtherewasnotsomuchworktodoonthefarm.Soitisusuallyplayedinwinterandearlyspring.•Itderivedfromthesportofancientwarriorscelebratingvictorybykickingaroundthe...
HolidaysandFestivalsinBritainReligiousHolidaysNationalHolidaysHolidaysintheFourNationsEnglandScotlandNorthernIrelandWales ChristmasisanannualcommemorationofthebirthofJesusChristandawidelyobservedholiday,celebratedgenerallyonDecember25.ChristmasDay Christmas ChristmasDinnerChristmasFatherPantomimeChristmas FatherChristmas Father...
Holidays and Notable Special Days in Great BritainMany festivals and holidays in Britain are centuries old. Every town, village and hamlet in Britain has its own traditions, some involving months of careful planning and preparations of costumes and choreography, others requiring simply a worrying desi...
The customs and traditions of using eggs have been associated with Easter for centuries. Ori- ginally, Easter eggs were painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring and were used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts.After they were colored and printed with various...
birth of Jesus Christ. People usually decorate homes with evergreen plants, Christmas trees and ornaments. They also exchange gifts and Christmas cards. Three typical British traditions on Christmas are: the Christmas Pantomime(圣诞童话剧), the Queen’s speech over the television and radio, and ...