Holiday API FAQs See all FAQs Meet Our Other APIs Time API Get the time at any given coordinate on Earth, calculate time zone conversions. Astronomy API Query the position of Sun & Moon, get the times for events like sunrise and sunset. ...
Holiday API is on a mission to rid the world of databases and spreadsheets full of stale holiday data. Our algorithmic approach to this problem allow us to provide accurate, up-to-date holiday information that can be added to your application in minutes. On the fly calculations allow us to...
Worldwide holidays (REST API), NuGet or docker container 🌎 calendarrest-apiholidaysbank-holidaysholidaycalculate-holidayscalendar-apiholiday-calculationholidayapipublicholidaysholiday-apipublic-apispublic-holidaysholidays-apipublic-holidayholiday-software ...
To retrieve this list of holidays, simply make a GET request to /v1/holidays: GET /v1/holidays Copy $ curl -G -d country="ET-AM" -d year="2023" -d pretty -d key="__YOUR_API_KEY__" "" ...
步骤一:注册并获取HolidayAPI的API Key 首先,你需要在HolidayAPI的官方网站上进行注册,然后创建一个新的项目并获取API Key。API Key是用来标识你的项目并进行API调用的凭证。 步骤二:创建Java项目并导入相关依赖 接下来,你需要创建一个Java项目,并导入相关的依赖库。在本例中,我们将使用Google的Gson库来处理JSON数据...
<?php$holiday_api->countries(); Fetch only countries with public holidays <?php$holiday_api->countries(['public'=>true, ]); Fetch a supported country by code <?php$holiday_api->countries(['country'=>'NO', ]); Search for countries by code or name ...
今天介绍一个开源项目:holiday-calendar,这是一个标准化的节假日数据集和工具库,可以帮助开发者轻松处理法定假日和调休安排。 数据来源 中国数据来源:国务院办公厅官方发布 使用方式 npm 包安装: npm install holiday-calendar CDN直接使用: 直接访问JSON 数据:
开源免费 直接使用 接口地址 参数 eg: 响应 eg: { "date": "2019-05-01", "year": 2019, "month": 5,点...
Explore comprehensive holiday data worldwide with Calendarific. Access national holidays, local observances, and religious events with customizable API solutions for your needs.