Holi Festival酷狗音乐,让音乐改变世界 查看完整歌词 设为彩铃 AI·DJ AI唢呐 AI钢琴 AI骨笛 AI伴奏 AI清唱 AI尤克 AI调速 下载歌曲打开酷狗 评论歌手 精彩评论 还没有人发评论,快来抢沙发吧! 歌手 Holi Festival 0粉丝关注 打开酷狗收听更多精彩Indian Background Music 正在收听 打开酷狗音乐,尽享丰富听歌体验...
Background At Holi festivals, originally celebrated in India but more recently all over the world, people throw coloured powder (Holi powder, Holi colour, Gulal powder) at each other. Adverse health effects, i.e. skin and ocular irritations as well as respiratory problems may be the consequence...