Quiz Course 32K views Holes Chapter Summaries Holes, though it was largely successful, has also proven to be quite controversial. Studied in schools across the country, the novel is a fun and interesting read for kids while addressing issues of self-esteem, bullying, racism, poverty, and cr...
Quiz Course 43K views Analysis of Hector Zeroni Hector Zeroni is given the nickname Zero for two reasons: because his last name is Zeroni and because he is thought of as having ''zero'' intelligence. He has no one to advocate for him and no one outside of the camp who cares abo...
e. An object cannot emit pulses that are shorter than the time it takes light to cross its diameter.,Quiz Questions,8. How can a neutron star not be a pulsar? a. Its magnetic field may be too weak to generate beams of radiation. b. A pulsar may be too old and rotate too slowly ...
It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on Study.com. This website helped me pass! Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses What Genre is the Book Holes? Chapters 1-4 of Holes by Louis Sachar | Summary...
Quiz Course 35K views Stanley Yelnats Stanley Yelnats is fourteen years old and comes from a poor family. His first name is his last name backwards, which is a family tradition: he is actually Stanley Yelnats IV. The Yelnats family is poor because of a curse brought upon them by Stanley...
7.Holes Vocabulary Lesson & Quiz Ch 2. Holes Characters Ch 3. Holes Chapter Summaries Ch 4. Holes Teaching Resources Study.com was one of the best aids when I wanted to get my licensure and the ability to grow in another area. Study.com provided everything I needed and answered all my...
Quiz Course 29K views Warden Walker: Character Profile Warden Walker is the antagonist in Holes. Her only interest is finding Kissin' Kate's treasure and she will do anything to make it happen. When Stanley finds Kissin' Kate's lipstick tube in the dirt and X-Ray turns it in to the...
Quiz Course 63K views Camp Green Lake in Holes Camp Green Lake is where most of the story′s main events take place through several different time periods. In the late 1990s, it is a detention camp for boys where boys with major behavioral problems are sent to correct their behavior bef...
Quiz Course 35K views Kissin' Kate Barlow in Holes: Analysis Part of what makes Kate Barlow such an interesting character is how a lack of context distorts the audience's and the other characters' interpretations of her behavior. Simply labeling her an outlaw and criminal ignores the events...
Lesson Quiz Course 3.3K views How is Swiss Cheese Made? Making Swiss cheese requires precise measurements and many months to the final product. Here are the steps:Why Does Swiss Cheese Have Holes? Swiss Cheese Without Holes Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or...